Page:Appearance and Reality (1916).djvu/645

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Explanation, 184-5, 205, 226, 295, 336. 469 foll., 475, 482, 491, 496, 563, 611.

Extension. See Space.

— of Nature, 267.


Fact, what, 317. See Existence, Event.

Facts, 357, 448 foll., 564.

Faith, 443.

Fallibility, universal, 512, 620.

Feeling, 80, 92-3, 104-7, 160, 223 foll., 231-2, 244, 249-52, 300-2, 346, 459, 464, 473, 479, 520 foll.. 569, 582.

— as criterion, 373-4.

Fictions, working, 18, 61, 126, 267, 284-5, 332, 490 foll., 496. And see Abstraction.

Finite centres of Experience, 226, 342-3, 346, 464, 469, 537. Cf. Souls.

— ideality of the, 106, 166, 228, 236 foll., 246, 251, 291-2, 350, 364, 417-18, 448, 456, 460, 486, 525.

Force, 282, 284-5, 483. Cf. Activity, Energy, Resistance.

Form. See Relational,

Formal Act, 435-6.


Good, and desire, 402 foll., 409.

— and evil, chapters xvii., xxv.

— degrees of, 401, 412, 440-2.

— inconsistent, 409 foll.

Goodness and truth, 402-3, 467.

— moral, 413 foll .


Habit, what, 355.

Hedonism, 374, 405-7, 409, 425, 434.

Humanity, 529.


Idea and its own existence, 169, 301, 398.

Idea is what it means, 51, 398.

— not explicit, 98, 606.

Ideal, 64, 72, 98,106,163,166, 234, 236-40, 300-3, 319-23, 350 foll., 364, 472, 479, 490, 586.

Ideality. See Finite and Relativity.

Identity, 48-52, 72-4, 124, 281, 310, 313, 319-23, 344-5, 347 foll., 353 foll., 582 foll.

— and similarity, 348, 583, 592,

— of soul and body, 323, 358.

— personal, 81-6,112-13, 256, 313, 319, 616.

— principle of, 73, 208, 255, 328, 347 foll., 571, 602.

Ignorance. See Privation, Negation.

Illusion. See Appearance.

Imaginary and real, 212 foll., 286 foll., 366 foll.

Impossible, 391, 503 foll., 537 foll.

Inconceivable. See Impossible.

Individual, only one, 246.

Individualistic attitude, 309.

Individuality, 149, 177, 225, 243 foll., 371, 497-9, 542.

Inexplicable, 336, 468-70, 482, 511, 517, 527, 556, 559.

Infinity of Nature, 176.

— of presented subject, 290 foll.

Inherence, 19 foll.

Inorganic, 270 foll.

Intelligible, all is, 171,174,176, 231, 482.

Introspection, 93, 110, 232.


Judgment, 163 foll., 231-2, 361 foll.


Knowledge, ambiguous, 159.

— absolute and conditional, 535 foll.

— perfect, 517.