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Page:Appendix to the first twenty-three volumes of Edwards's Botanical Register.djvu/16

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spreading heath-like leaves, and round heads of very deep violet; all the others are pretty, and worthy of cultivation, although not so strikingly beautiful as those just mentioned. Still more remarkable than these is the magnificent Chysorrhoë nitens (Tab. I.), whose yellow flowers of metallic lustre form masses of golden stars some feet in diameter; this plant, which I described some years since (Companion to Botanical Magazine, vol. ii, p. 357), is a small bush, and certainly one of the most interesting species that could be introduced; by Dr. Endlicher it is reduced to the genus Verticordia, but I think the character assigned to it in the work alluded to is sufficient to define the genus; a comparison of Tab I. and Tab. II. A. will sufficiently explain in what the difference consists between Chrysorrhoë and Verticordia. To the former of these genera there is a new species to add, not less beautiful than the original, but with obovate serrated leaves, on which account it may be called Chrysorrhoë serrata.8 The Verticordias are bushes with small, usually heathy, very fragrant, leaves, and corymbs or racemes of white, pink, or yellow flowers; several species have been already described, among which V. insignis, Endl. (Tab. II. A) is one of the commonest and prettiest; to these I have to add V. heliantha,9 a lovely plant with corymbs of large deep yellow feathery flowers; V. acerosa,10 a species resembling the last in habit, but with acerose leaves and smaller paler flowers, which change in drying to a bright deep green; and two species11 with pretty white or blush ones. Of the genus

(7) Calytrix angulata; glaberrima, ramulis angulatis, foliis linearibus obtusis carinatis patulis, bracteis obovatis obtusis ultra medium connatis calycis tubo brevioribus, aristis petalis paulò longioribus, floribus icosandris axillaribus.—Flowers yellow.

(8) Chrysorrhöe serrata; ramulis scabriusculis, foliis obovatis carnosis dorso subtriquetris ciliato-serratis, sepalis multifidis plumosis, petalis ovatis pectinatis, filamentis sterilibus petaloideis oblongis fertilibus æqualibus.

(9) Verticordia heliantha; foliis carnosis linearibus mucronatis compressis dorso convexis, corymbis laxis, bracteis connatis persistentibus muticis, sepalis multifidis plumosis, petalis multifidis glabris, filamentis sterilibus ovato-triangularibus serratis, antheris appendice bicorni auctis.

(10) Verticordia acerosa; ramulis compressis scabris, foliis acerosis acuminatis glabris superioribus floralibusque ovatis, corymbis densis, bracteis muticis deciduis, sepalis multifidis plumosis, petalis multipartitis glabris, filamentis sterilibus lanceolatis pectinatis, antheris muticis.

(11) Verticordia densiflora; foliis linearibus triquetris obtusis, corymbis capitatis multifloris, bracteis deciduis sub apice cucullatis, calycis tubo villosissimo,