the circumstance of the flower-heads being formed in whorls equal in power to that of the leaves; so that as the latter grew in threes the flower-heads would necessarily consist of one flower or of three and one, or of six and one; the first and the third cases he knew, and he conjectured that the second would one day be discovered. Although the Swan River species is not referable to the second case, yet it confirms the correctness of Dr. Brown's views, for the increased number of flowers found in its heads is constantly some new power of three; in some specimens they are 3 × 4 + 1 = 13, and in others 3 × 6 + 1 = 19; and to this I perceive no exception.
Dryandras abound. In addition to D. floribunda, nervosa, bipinnatifida and the elegant D. Frazeri, whose leave are divided into fine awl-shaped lobes, there are the following new ones: viz. D. favosa,155 a species near D. armata, but the leaves have no hairs in their lacunæ, except when very young, the flower-heads are much smaller, and the stigma is obtuse, not subulate; D. carduacea,156 a charming species, with leaves like those of a Carthamus; D. stuposa,157 a plant near D. formosa, and quite as handsome; D. nobilis,158 a most splendid plant in the way of D. longifolia and tenuifolia, with leaves from a foot to a foot and half long; and finally D. proteoides,159 which has much the look of a Cape Protea.
(155) Dryandra favosa; foliis pinnatifidis nitidis adultis utrinque glaberrimis floralibus tantum basi villosis: lobis triangularibus planis pungentibus subtus altè lacunosis: pilis citissimè deciduis, ramulis tomentosis, calycis apice glabro, stylis basi villosis, stigmate tereti obtuso.
(156) Dryandra carduacea; ramis pubescentibus, foliis lanceolatis subtùs niveo-tomentosis suprà glabris spinoso-dentatis planis versus basin spinoso-pinnatifidis, involucro glabriusculo floribus duplò breviore: foliolis exterioribus angustis triangularibus interioribus elongatis ciliatis, calycibus sericeis, stylo basi glabro, stigmate fusiformi subungulato obtuso.
(157) Dryandra stuposa; ramis villosis, foliis elongato-linearibus semipinnatifidis subtus niveis venosis lobis isiscelo-triangularibus mucronatis margine leviter revolutis, involucro tomentoso patulo floribus multò breviore: foliolis interioribus intùs glabris striatis, calyce lanato apice truncato stuposo ferrugineo, stigmate sulcato obtuso.
(158) Dryandra nobilis; ramis villosis, foliis elongato-linearibus subtus cinereis tomentosis suprà glabris subsessilibus: lobis æquilateri-triangularibus mucronatis decurrentibus margine revolutis subtus 3-5-nerviis, involucro lanato: foliolis exterioribus lineari-lanceolatis serratis foliaceis interioribus inermibus floribus triplò brevioribus, calyce sericeo apice barbato, stylo basi glabro, stigmate tereti obtuso sulcato.
(159) Dryandra proteoides; foliis elongato-linearibus subsessilibus semipinnatifidis subtus niveis venulis nudis reticulatis: lobis rectangulo-triangularibus