educated at Charleston college, received his medi- cal degree there in 1852, and removed to New York city in that year, and served at Bellevue hospital. He has also been professor of obstetrics and dis- eases of women in the College of physicians and surgeons in New York city, surgeon to the Wom- en's hospital in New York, and consulting physi- cian to the Nursery and child's hospital and St. Mary's hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y. In 1879 he was president of the American gynecological society, and he is an honorary member of the obstetrical society of London and a corresponding secretary of that of Berlin. Dr. Thomas has contributed largely to medical literature, and is the author of a " Practical Treatise on Diseases of Women," which has been translated into several foreign lan- guages (Philadelphia, 1868).
THOMAS, Thomas, soldier, b. in 1755 ; d. in
Harrison, Westchester co., N. Y, 29 May, 1824.
He commanded a regiment in 1776, and partici-
fiated in the battles of Harlem and White Plains,
n the autumn of 1776 the enemy burned his house,
took his aged father a prisoner to New York, and
confined him in the provost jail, where he died
through their inhuman treatment. Col. Thomas
was an active partisan officer till the peace, except
during a brief term of captivity ; and was after-
ward frequently a member of the legislature.
THOMES, William Henry, author, b. in Port-
land, Me., 5 May, 1824. He was educated in the
public schools of Boston, worked in a printing-
office, and was afterward connected with various
journals as reporter and editor. He went to Cali-
fornia in 1843, and again in 1849, subsequently
visiting Honolulu, the East Indies, and Australia,
and contributing articles upon his travels to vari-
ous magazines. Mr. Thomes was the first presi-
dent of the New England society of California pio-
neers. He is the author of " The Gold-Hunters
of Australia" (Boston, 1869); "Life in the East
Indies" (1870); "A Whaleman's Adventures"
(1871); "The Gold-Hunters in Europe" (1872);
" A Slaver's Adventures " (1873) ; " Running the
Blockade" (1874); "The Belle of Australia"
(1885); "On Land and Sea "(1886); and"Lewey
and I" (1887).
THOMPSON, Albert, artist, b. in Woburn,
Mass.. 18 March,. 1853. He became a pupil of
William E. Norton in 1873, and in 1872 and 1875
travelled in Europe. During 1880-'l he studied
in Paris under Jules J. Lefebvre and Gustave R. C.
Boulanger, at Julien's academy, and also anatomy
at the Ecole des beaux arts. Among his works,
mainly landscapes and cattle-pieces, are " After the
Shower " (1876) ; " Clearing up " (1877) ; " More
Wind than Rain," in Woburn public library (1885) ;
and " Changing Pasture " and " An October After-
noon " (1886). He is the author of " Principles of
Perspective" (Boston, 1878).
THOMPSON, Alexander Ramsay, soldier, b.
in 1794; d. in Manatee county, Pla., 25 Dec. 1837.
His father was Alexander Thompson, who served
in the artillery during the Revolutionary war, was
retained as captain in the peace establishment, and
attached in 1794 to the artillery and engineer
corps, and after his discharge in 1802 till his death,
28 Sept., 1809, was military store-keeper at West
Point. The son was graduated at the U. S. mili-
tary academy in 1812, and during the war with
Great Britain took part in Gen. James Wilkinson's
expedition down the St. Lawrence and in the de-
fence of Plattsburg and other operations on Lake
Champlain, being promoted captain of infantry on
1 May, 1814. He was retained on the reduction of
the army, promoted major on 4 April, 1832, served
in the Black Hawk expedition, became lieutenant-
colonel on 6 Sept., 1837, and in the war with the
Seminole Indians was killed at the battle of Okee-
chobee while leading his regiment in a desperate
charge. — His nephew, Alexander Ramsay, cler-
gyman, b. in New York city, 16 Oct., 1822, was
graduated at the University of the city of New
York in 1842, and at Princeton theological semi-
nary in 1845, and was ordained, and after holding
various charges became pastor of the Presbyterian
church in Stapleton, Staten island, in 1851-9, the
Reformed Dutch church, 21st street, New York
city, in 1862-73, first as colleague of the Rev.
George W. Bethune, then as his successor, and the
North Reformed Dutch church in Brooklyn, N. Y„
from the latter date to 1884. In 1885 he became
acting pastor of Bethany chapel in Brooklyn. He
was chaplain of the New England hospital in
1863-'5 and of the Roosevelt hospital in New York
from 1873 till 1884. The degree of D. D. was con-
ferred on him by the University of the city of New
York in 1865, which made him a member of its
council in 1872. Among various sermons he pub-
lished " Tribute to the Memory of the Rev. George
W. Bethune " ; " Casting down Imaginations," a
sermon (1874) ; " Christian Patriotism : the Points
of Similarity between the Struggle for Independ-
ence in America and that of our Holland Ances-'
tors," in " Centennial Discourses " (1876). He also
assisted in compiling " Hymns of the Church "
(New York, 1869), and " Hymns of Prayer and
Praise " (1874).
THOMPSON, Alfred Wordsworth, artist, b.
in Baltimore, Md„ 27 May, 1840. During 1862-4
he studied in Paris, first under Charles Gleyre, and
later with Albert Pasini and in the Ecole des
beaux arts. He first exhibited at the salon in 1865,
and in 1 868 returned to the United States, settling
in New York. He was elected an associate mem-
ber of the National academy in 1873, and an
academician two years later, and in 1877 became a
membeivof the Society of American artists. He
has travelled at various times in all parts of Eu-
rope, Asia Minor, and northern Africa, and his
pictures cover a wide range of subjects, Oriental
and American, including landscapes, genre pieces
and military scenes. They include " Desolation "
and " Lost in the Forest " (1872) ; " Annapolis in
1776," owned by the Buffalo fine arts academy,
and "A Twilight in Corsica" (1875) : " Review at
Philadelphia, 1777 " (1878) ; " The Market-Place in
Biskra " (1884) ; " The Hour of Prayer " ; " Re-
turning from a Boar Hunt, Tangier " ; " The Ad-
vance of the Enemy " (1885) ; " The Departure for
the War, 1776"; and "A Sabbath-Day in Troublous
Times." To the Paris exposition of 1878 he sent
" The School-House on the Hill."
THOMPSON. Augustus Charles, clergyman, b. in Goshen, Conn., 30 April, 1812. He entered Yale with the class of 1835, but feeble health compelled him to leave before graduation. The college gave him the honorary degree of A. M. in 1841. He was graduated at the Hartford theological seminary in 1838, studied in the University of Berlin in 1838-'9, and on 27 July, 1842, was ordained pastor of a Congregational church at Roxbury, Mass., where he still remains. He was associated with Rev. Dr. Rufus Anderson in a deputation to the missions of the American board in India in 1854-'5, and was a delegate to the London missionary conference of 1878. Amherst gave him the degree of D.D. in 1860. Dr. Thompson has lectured on foreign missions at Andover seminary in 1877-80, at Boston university in 1882, and at Hartford theological seminary in