Page:Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography (1889, volume 6).djvu/228

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tus " (1848) ; "Prayer for Colleges" (1854; revised and enlarged repeatedly) ; " Plato's Apology and Crito " (1859) ; " Memoir of Dr. Henry Lobdell, Missionary to Assvria " (Boston, 1859) ; " Theology of the Greek Poetis " (1867) ; " Plutarch on the De- lay of the Deity," with Prof. Horatio B. Hackett (New York, 1867) ; " Address at Semi-Centennial of Amherst College, with other Addresses on that Occasion " (1871) ; "History of Amherst College" (1873) ; " Demosthenes de Corona " (Boston, 1874) ; "Demosthenes's Philippics and Olynthiacs "(1875); and nine books of the " Iliad " (New York, 1886). TYNDALE, Hector, soldier, b. in Philadelphia, 24 March, 1821 ; d. there, 19 March, 1880. His fa- ther was a merchant engaged in the importation of china and glassware, and young Tyndale succeeded to the business in 1845, in partnership with his brother-in-law, Edward P. Mitchell. He made sev- eral tours of Europe, inspecting closely all the chief factories, and becoming practically familiar with the whole art of pottery. His natural taste, thus cultivated, made him a most expert con- noisseur, and led to his selection in 1876 as one of the judges of that section of the Centennial exhi- bition, in which capacity he wrote the elaborate report on pottery. His private collection was one of the most complete in the country. He first be- came interested in politics in 1856 as a Free-soiler, and was a member of the first Republican commit- tee in Philadelphia. He was not an Abolitionist, and had neither knowledge of nor sympathy with John Brown's raid, but when Mrs. Brown came to Philadelphia on her way to pay her last visit to her husband and bring back his body after his execu- tion, she was without escort and was believed to be in personal danger. An appeal was made to Tyn- dale, who at once accepted the risks and dangers of escorting her. In the course of this self-im- posed duty he was subjected to insults and threats, and on the morning of the execution was shot at by an unseen assassin. It had been threatened in the more violent newspapers of the south that John Brown's body should not be restored to his friends, but ignominiously treated, and a "nigger's" body substituted for his friends. When the coffin was delivered to Tyndale by the authorities, he refused to receive it until it was opened and the body was identified. He was in Europe when he heard the news of the firing on Port Sumter, and at once returned home and offered his services to the government. He was commis- sioned major of the 28th Pennsyl- vania regiment in June, 1861, and in August was put in command of Sandy Hook, op- posite Harper's Ferry. The regi- ment fought in twenty-four bat- tles and nineteen smaller engage- ments, in all of which Tyndale took part, except when he was dis- abled by wounds.

He was promoted

to lieutenant-colonel in April, 1862, and served in Gen. Nathaniel P. Banks's corps in the Shenandoah valley, under Gen. John Pope at Chantilly and the second battle of Bull Run, and later in Gen. Joseph K. F. Mans- field's corps. At Antietam. as the senior officer, he commanded a brigade in Gen. George S. Greene's division of the 12th corps, holding the ground in front of the Dunker church against three separate assaults of the enemy, in which the brigade cap- tured seven battle-flags and four guns. Early in the day he received a wound in the hip, but he kept the field until the afternoon, when he was struck in the head by a musket-ball and carried off the field. For "conspicuous gallantry, self- possession, and good judgment at Antietam " he was promoted to brigadier-general of volunteers, 29 Nov., 1862. After slow and partial recovery from his wounds he applied for active duty, and in May, 1863, was assigned to a brigade under Gen. Erasmus D. Keyes near Yorktown. and served with the Army of the Potomac until September, when he was sent with Gen. Joseph Hooker to the relief of Chattanooga. In the battle of Wauhatchie he carried by a bayonet charge a hill (subsequently known as Tyndale's hill), thus turning the flank of the enemy and relieving Gen. John W. Geary's di- vision from an assault by superior numbers. He also participated in the series of battles around Chattanooga, and in the march to the relief of Knoxville. He was sent home on sick-leave in May, 1864, and, finding his disability likely to be lasting, he resigned in August. In March, 1865, he was bre vetted major-general of volunteers for gal- lant and meritorious services during the war. In 1868 he was the Republican nominee for mayor of Philadelphia, and was defeated by 68 votes in a poll of more than 120,000. In 1872 his kinsman, Prof. John Tyndall, of London, delivered a series of lectures in this country, and resolving to devote the proceeds to the establishment of a fund " for the promotion of science in the United States by the support in European universities or elsewhere of American pupils who may evince decided talents in physics," he appointed Gen. Tyndale with Prof. Joseph Henry and Dr. Edward L. Youmans trus- tees. Prof. Tyndall in 1885 changed the trust and established three scholarships, in Harvard, Colum- bia, and the University of Pennsylvania. The last- named institution called its share the Hector Tyn- dale scholarship in physics.

TYNER, James Noble, postmaster-general, b. in Brookville, Ind., 17 Jan., 1826. He was gradu- ated at Brookville academy in 1844, and from 1846 till 1854 was associated with his father in business. He then studied law, was admitted to the bar in 1857, and practised in Peru, Ind. He was secre- tary of the Indiana senate in 1857-61, a presiden- tial elector in 1860, and from 1861 till 1866 served as a special agent of the post-office department. He was chosen to congress as a Republican, to fill the vacancy caused by the election of Daniel D. Pratt to the U. S. senate, and served from 1869 till 1875, being a member of the committees on appro- priations and post-offices. President Grant then appointed him second assistant postmaster-general, and from the resignation of Marshall Jewell till the end of Grant's administration, 3 March, 1877, he was postmaster-general. In April, 1877, he be- came first assistant postmaster-general, which office he resigned in October, 1881. Mr. Tyner was the delegate from the United States to the Interna- tional postal congress in Paris in 1878.

TYNG, Dudley Atkins, lawyer, b. in Newburyport, Mass., 3 Sept., 1760; d. there, 1 Aug., 1829. He was a son of Dudley Atkins, and changed his name on inheriting the estates of James Tyng^ of Tyngsborough, Mass. After serving as U. S. collector of Newburyport, he succeeded Ephraim