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Agnew, Adeline, I, 293, Blennerhassett. |
Aguew, John H., V, 401, Sartain, J. |
Agnew, Mary, VI, 40, Taylor, B. |
Agnew, Mary Nash, II, 192, Dodge, G. H. |
Ago, Felix, pen-name, III, 29, Haldemun. |
Agrieola, pseudonym, II, 332, Elliott, W. : IV, 512, Nicholas, P. N. ; VI, 647, Young, John. |
Agricultor. the, journal, II, 593, Garcia-Reyes. |
Agricultural bureau, establishment of a, IV, 506. Newton. I. |
Agricultural journals, first, in America, V, 545, Skinner, J. S. ; in New York, 614, Southwick. |
Agricultural machines, inventors of, I, 450, Burden ; II, 377, Esterly. See Harvesters, Ploughs, etc. |
Agricultural schools, project for, IV, 147, Maclure. |
Agricultural societies founded, VI, 391, Watson, E. |
Agriculture, experiments in, V, 692, Stockbridge. |
Agriculturist and Industrial Magazine, the, II, 384, Evans, William. |
Agua de Verrugas bridge, the, III, 628, Latrobe, C. H. |
Aguado, IV, 187, Manicaotex. |
Agueynaba, cacique, V, 376, Salazar, D. de. |
Aguiel, Mrs., II, 487, Flower, G. |
Aguila, Count del, VI, 60, Tello. |
Aguilera, Lues de, I, 603, Chiguaihue ; III, 199, Higuaihui. |
Agustin I., of Mexico, III, 368. |
Ah-Kin-Chi, I, 602, Chi-Ah-Kin. |
Ahualulco, battle of, iv, 339, Miramon. |
Aiken, Mary E., I, 386, Brooks. J. G. |
Aimwell, Walter, pen-name, V, 535, Simonds. |
Ainmtiller, Chevalier, IV, 483. Neal, D. D. |
Air-compressor, inventor of an, VI, 591, Wood, D. V. |
Air-currents, theories of, VI, 581, Wise, J. |
Air-engines, experiment with, III, 559, Kitching, J. B. |
Aireskoi, god of the Mohawks, V, 16, Pierron. |
Air-pumps, inventors of, V, 124, Prince, J. ; V, 317, Rood, Ogden N. |
Air-ship, plan for an. VI, 581, Wise, J. |
Airy, Sir G. B., IV, 430, Morton, H. |
Aix roads, engagement in, II, 587, Gambier. |
Akenside, Mark. IV, 349, Mitchill. |
Akers, Paul, quoted, I, 400, Brown, H. B. |
Ako, Michael, II, 619, Gay, P. du. |
Alabama, colonized, III, 339, Iberville ; asylum for political exiles in, III, 597, Lallemand ; 676, Lefebvre : Indian warfare in, 376 ; R. C. institutions in, V, 82, Portier ; 152, Quintan, J.; iron-factories in, VI, 193, Tyler, D.; suspension of clergy in, 543, Wilmer, R. H. |
Alabama, the, captures by— loss of— claims on account of, V, 460, Semmes, R. ; I, 418, Bruce, F. W. A. ; II, 385, Evarts, W. M.; 464, Fish, H; VI, 569, Winslow, J. A.; rejected treaty, III, 447, Johnson, Reverdy ; British commissioners on. IV, 103 ; settlement, II, 720. |
Alabaster, Dr. W., VI, 572, Winthrop. |
Alacci, II, 628, Geraldini. |
Alamance creek, defeat of the Regulators on, LU, 329, Husbands. |
Alamo, battle of the, LI, 13, Crockett ; IH, 274, Houston, S. ; V, 393, Santa-Anna ; VI, 155, Travis, W. B. ; illustration, 155. |
Alarconcillo, Judge, II, 374, Espinosa, G. |
Alaska, placed on the map before its discovery, IV, 498, |
Neuville, P. B. ; Russian colony in, I, 161, Baranoff ; VI, 618, Wrangell; exploration of, 145, Baker, M. IV, 284, Meares : V, 433, Schwa tka ; purchase of, II, 520, Fox, G. V.; V, 336, 472, 478, Rousseau ; education in. III. 391, Jackson, S.: missions in, IV, 114, McFarland, A. R.; V, 453, Seghers. |
Alatorre, Gen., II, 370, Escobedo, M. |
Albania, name given to northern New York, IV, 518, Nicoll, Sir R. |
Albany, VI, 250, Van Rensselaer ; controversy, 253, Van Rensselaer, H. ; land near, obtained from the Indians, II, 136, Dellius ; Indian invasion of, III. 681, Leister ; first mayor of, V, 430, Schuyler, P. ; Schuyler house at, illustration, 433 ; medical college at, IV, 200, March, A. ; normal school. 623, Page, D. P. ; capitol at, II, 31fi, Eidlitz, L. ; V, 241, Richardson, H. H.; VI, 681, Fuller, T.; view of the capitol, 115 ; gift to state library at, V, 638, Sprague. W. B. proposed university at, I, 91, Armsby ; |
All-Saints church in, illustration, VI, 682. |
Albany congress, the, III, 332. |
Albany plan for Federal union, the, I, 762, Coxe, T. ; H, 528, 529. |
Albany regency, the, I, 494, Cogger ; 553. Cassidv : II, 21, Croswell, #. : 184 ; IV, 208, Marcy, W. L. ; VI, 233. |
Albemarle, Duke of. IV, 764, Phips. |
Albemarle, Earl of, III, 523, Keppel. |
Albemarle colony, insurrection in, II, 28, Culpeper. J. |
Albemarle, the ram, II, 425, Febiger, J. C. ; defeat of, V, 302, Roe. F. A.; destruction of, II. 40, Cushing, W. B. |
Albemarle "sound, explored, I, 166, Barlow, A. |
Alberdi. Juan B., VI, 457, Wheelwright, W. |
Albert, Charles d V, 232, Ribaut. |
Albert Nyanza, the, V, 646. Stanley. |
Albertite, kerosene from, II, 220, Downer. |
Albion, or New Albion, 111., founded, II, 487, Flower, G. |
Albion, wreck of the, II. 464, Fisher, A. M. |
Albion college, Mich., V, 19, Pitcher; gift to, 113, Preston, D. |
Albrights, the, I, 39. |
Albuquerque, surname taken by the family of, IV, 199, |
Muranluio. |
Albuquerque, Brites de, II. 237, Duarte Coelho. |
Albuquerque, Gen. Matias de, II, 163, Dias, H. |
Alcala, Duke of, II, 360, Euriquez, P. |
Alcalde, office of, II, 6^0, Geary. |
Alcatraz island, Cal., fortifications at, II. 328, Elliot, G. H. |
Alcott, Pen, pen-name, VI, 141, Totten, C. A. L. |
Alcotts, home of the. illustration, I, 40. |
Aldea, Rodriguez, IV, 567, O' Biggins. |
Alden, Henry W., I, 43, Alden, T. |
Alderete, III, 300, Huelva. |
Alderete, Geronimo de, HI, 295, Huden. |
Aldine, the, periodical, V, 697, Stoddard, R. H. |
Aldrichs, Jacob, III, 214, Hinoyossa. |
Alejambe, III, 436, Jogues. |
Alert, capture by the, II, 56, Dale, R. |
Alert, the surrender of, V, 73, Porter, D. |
Alert, school on the receiving-ship, II. 414. |
Alert, the arctic voyage of the, IV, 478, Nares ; return of, to England, I, 105. |
Alexander I, of Russia, H, 372, Esmenard ; IH, 314, Hum- |
phreys, S. |
Alexander II., of Russia. II, 520, Fox, G. V. |
Alexander, Cosmo, V, 728, Stuart, Gilbert. |
Alexander, James, II, 245, Duer, W. |
Alexander, Mary, III, 741, Livingston, P. V. B. |
Alexander, Henry Carrington, I, 46, Alexander, J. A. |
Alexander, Sarah, IH, 741, Livingston, P. |
Alexander, Sarah, IV, 734, Perry, C. R. |
Alexander, Susan, V, 449, Seddon, J. A. |
Alexander, William, I, 45, Alexander, Archibald. |
Alexandre, Monsieur, ventriloquist, VI, 264, Vattemare. |
Alexandria, Egypt, claims in, -for damages, II. 409, Farman ; massacre at — burning of, IV, 9, Long, C. C. ; bombardment of, IV, 515, Nicholson, J. W. A. |
Alexandria, Va.. Christ church at, Washington's headquarters at, II, 402 ; view of Christ church, V, 171; Braddock's headquarters at, illustration, I, 347 ; retrocession of, to Virginia, HI, 323, Hunter, R. M. T. ; capitulation of, II, 686, Gordon, Sir J. A. ; incident at, II. 335, Ellsicorth, E. E. |
Alexandria seminary, gift to, VI, 590, Wolfe. |
Alfaro, Gen., VI, 272, Veintimilla. |
Alfieri, H, 270, Dvrao. |
Alfinger, Ambrosius von, V, 633. Spire. |
Alfonso II., of Spain, quoted, I, 698. |
Alfred, John, VI, 164, Trowbridge, E. |
Alfred, capture of the, HI, 214, Hinman. |
Alfred observatory, V, 310, Rogers, W. A. |
Algebra, discovery in, IH, 90, Harriot. |
Alger, Francis, III, 384, Jackson, C. T. |
Algeria, Spanish expedition against, I, 750, Cortes ; pay- |
ment of tribute to, 140, Bainbridge : III, 375 ; American |
captives at, I, 167, Barlow, J. : war with, 141, Bain- |
bridge ; II, 121 ; French campaigns in, I, 637, Clausel ; III, 497, Kearny, P. |
Algic society, the, V, 425, Schoolcraft, H. R. |
Alica, Mex., the tiger of, sobriquet, IV, 30, Losada, M. |
Alice and Ruth, anonymous book, H, 183, Dix, D. L. |
Alida, pen-name, HI, 585, Ladd, C. |
Alien, right of an, to sue a state, V, 177. Randolph, E. |
Alien and sedition laws, the, I, 23 ; HI, 175, 420 ; pardon of prisoners under, 421 ; IV, 169, 170 ; V, 178, Randolph, J. ; 121, Priestley. |
Aliste, Count Alba de, HI, 570, Koenig. J. R. : IV, 47, Lozano, F. R. |
Allaire, James P.. II, 122, De Coudres ; III, 113, Haswell. |
Allaire. John, V, 268. Roach, J. |
Allan, John, V, 44. Poe. |
Allan, William. IV. 106, McDonough. |
Allan, Sir W., V, 261, Ritchie, A. H. |
Allatoona, defence of, I, 747, Corse, J. M. ; works at, V. |
305, Rogers, G. C. |
Alldred, Frederic, pen-name, V, 203, Reddall. |
Alleghanies, the, early journeys across the, HI, 653, Lederer. |
Allegheny City, gift to, I, 529, Carnegie. |
Alleghany college, founded, I, 43, Alden, T. ; gift to, HI, 518, Kennedy, J. C. G. |
Allegiance, perpetual, treaty of 1870, I, 277. |
Allemand, Capt. Georges, V, 245, Richery. |
Allen, Miss, III, 274, Houston. |
Allen, Rev. Bennet. II, 262, Dulany, L. |
Allen, Chester G., VI, 402, Webb, G. J. |
Allen, Rx v. D. H., I, 217, Beecher, L. |
Allen, Elizabeth, VI, 219, Usher, J. |
Allen, Ethan, anecdote of, III, 331, Hutchinson, Aaron. |
Allen, Rev. Ethan, HI, 71, Hanaford. |
Allen, Rev. James, IV, 617, Oxenbridge. |
Allen, John, VI. 112. Ticknor, W. D. |
Allen, Lewis F., I, 651, Cleveland, G. |
Allen, Mary Penn, in, 744, Livingston, H. W. |
Allen, Col. Nathaniel, VI, 108, Thurman. |
Allen, Samuel C, I. 51. Allen, E. H. |
Allen. William F.. II, 632, Gerry, E. T. |
Allenites, I, 53. Allen, H. |
Allen university, founded, II, 170, Dickerson, W. F. |