742 HANDEL HATTON Handel and Haydn society, founded, VI, 404, Webb, T. S. Hanford, Francis, shooting of, VI, 700, Sullivan. Hanger, Maj. George, VI, 35, Tarleton. Hanging Rock, battle of, IV, 90, McClure, J.; V, 752. Hanks, Nancy, HI. 715, Lincoln. Hannah, capture of the, V, 380, Saltonstall, D. Hannah, anonymous drama, VI, 221, Vail, T. H. Hannibal, capture of the, IV, 550, O'Brien, Jere. Hanover Court-House, battle at, IV, 234, Martindale, J. H. 81. Hanover college, gift to, II, 261, Dunn, Williamson. Hansen, Marie, IV, 41. Hansen, Maurice G.. HI. 708, Leydt. Hansihl, Rev. Mr., HI, 107, Hartuick. Hanson, Harriet, V, 289, Robinson, H. H. Hanson, Rev. J. H., VI, 524, Williams, E. Hapsburg, branch of the house of, 1, 160, Baraga. Harbor improvements, H, 287, Eads. Harbors of refuge, IV, 55, hunt, G. Harcourt, Sir William Vernon, IV, 438, Motley. Hardenbergh, Johannes, III, 77. Hardenbergh, Rev. John R., IV, 312, Meyer, H. Hardin college, Mo., gift to, ni, 78, Hardin, C. H. Hardy, Richard and George, III, 80. Hardy, S. Hare, Emily, pen-name, VI, 577, Winlhrop, L. Harlot, Thomas, V, 162. Harlem Heights, battle of, HI, 565, Knowlton, T.; V, 141. Harland, Marian, pen-name, VI, 64, Terhune, M. V. Harland, Thomas, VI, 66. Terry, E. Harlow, George H., VI, 440, West. B. Harmonic flute, the, inventor of. V, 657, Steckel. Harmonica, the, H, 91, Davies. M. Harmonists, the, founder of, V, 183, Rapp. Harmony, Pa., community at, V, 183-184, Rapp. Harnden, H. F., VI, 429, Wells, H. Harned, David, IV, 48, Lozier, C. S. Harney, Thomas, IH, 85, Harney, J. M. Haroun-al-Raschid, tomb of, I, 190, Bassett, J. Harper. Africa, III, 88, Harper, R. G. Harper, John, III, 460, Johnston, W. F. Harper, Joseph, III, 87. Harper, Robert Goodloe, II, 148, De Rosset, A. J. Harper's Ferry, Brown"s raid on, 1, 406, 407 ; III, 392, Jack- son, T. J. ; V, 83 ; burning of the armory at, III, 549, Kingsbury, C. P. ; VI, 690, Jones, R. ; captured. III, 670 ; IV, *140, McLaws ; 321, Miles, D. S. ; raid on, V, 583, Smith, G. ; destruction of arsenal at, VI, 690, Jones, R. Harper's Magazine, IH, 286. Harriet Lane, the, capture of, IV, 175, Magruder ; VI, 316, Wainwright, J. Harrington, G. F., pen-name, 1, 146. Baker, W. M. Harriott, Frederick C, IV, 412, Morris, C. Harris, Old Captain, VI, 58, Teedyuxsung. Harris, Alexander, quoted, H, 334, Ellmaker. Harris, Dr. Charles T.. II, 203, Doremus, R. O. Harris, Rev. Elijah. IV, 424, Morse, J. Harris, John, III, 108, Harvey, M. Harris, Martin, V, 575, Smith, Joseph. Harris, Sidney, III, 93, Ham-is, M. C. Harris, Thomas, IH, 447, Johnson, Reverdy. Harris, W., Ill, 93, Harris, T. M. Harrisburg, Cameron's residence at, illustration, I, 509 ; founder of, HI, 92, Harris, John ; his house, illustra- tion, 92. Harrison, Dr., IV, 252, Mather, S. Harrison, Miss., n, 175, Dickson, J. A. Harrison, Benjamin, III, 100, Harrison. J. T. Harrison, Burton, III, 99, Harrison, C. C. Harrison, George, V, 198, Read, T. Harrison, Jeannette S.. IV, 20, Loop. Harrison, Mary, VI, 476. White, W. Harrison, Russell, VI, 687, Harrison, C. S. Harrison, Samuel A.. HI, 213, Hindman, W. Harrison, Thomas, HI, 100, Harrison, J. T. ; 101, Harri- son, S. Harrison, Walter, V, 5, Pickett, G. E. Harrison, Gen. W. H., famous interview, H, 335, Ells- kwatawa. Harrisonburg, Va., battle at, IH, 28, Haines, T. R. 493, Kane, T. L. Harrison medal, illustration, in, 98. Harrison safety -boiler, the, HI, 100, Harrison, J. Harrison's Landing, Va.. retreat to, IV, 83. Harrisse, Henry, I, 167, Barlow, S. L. M. Harrodsburg, Ky., HI, 101, Harrod. Harrwitz, Herr, IV, 407, Morphy. Harry Wadsworth clubs. III. 32, Hale, E. E. Harston rifle, the. Ill, 102, Harston. Hart, Ebenezer. IH, 103, Hart, J. Hart, Edward, III, 102, Hart, J. Hart, Francis, II, 157, De Vinne, T. L. Hart, John de, III. 102, Hart, J. Hart, Lucretia, I, 640, Clay, H. Hart, Samuel. IV, 750, Phelps, A. H. L. : VI, 513, Willard, E. Hart, Rev. Seth, II, 130, De Lancey, W. H. Hart, Col. Thomas, V, 293, Rochester. Hart, William, IV. 752, Phelps, O. Harte, Bret, subject of a poem by, I, 89. Arguello ; II. 738. Hartford, founded, IH, 251, Hooker, T.; settlement of, V, 703, Stone, S.; VI, 23, Talcott. J.: gifts to charities of, IV, 521. Niles, J. M.; VI. 389, Watkinson ; first state- house in, V, 32, Pitkin, W. ; armory at, I, 695, Colt ; Capi- tol at. illustration, VI, 213 ; orphan asylum, gift to. TV, 402, Morgan, J. S.; House of Hope at, VI, 239, Van dul- ler ; 255, Van Twiller ; historical society of, V, 140 ; view of Trinity college, 565. Hartford, the, Farragut's flag-ship, n. 416, 417 : Farragut in the rigging, illustration, 417, after the battle of Mobile bay, illustration, 413 ; IH, 427, Jenkins, T. A. Hartford convention, the. I, 491, Cabot, G. ; protest against, IH, 729, Lincoln, L. IV, 607, Otis, H. G.;, 3, Pickering, T.; 582, Smith, Nathaniel. Hartford Wits, the, I, 60, Alsop, R.: 166. Barlow, J.; Ill, 256, Hopkins, L.; H, 282. Dwight, Theodore; IH, 313, Humphreys, D. Hartley, David, H, 531. Hartley, Samuel, pen-name. HI, 258, Hopkins, S. Hartman, George, III, 105, Hartman. W. D. Hartshorne, R. and W., Ill, 105, Hartshorne, J. Hart's mill, engagement at, II, 701, Graham, J. Hartt, Jarvis W., HI, 106, Hartt, C. F. Hartwell, Mary, VI, 674, Catherwood. Hartwick seminary. III, 107, Hartirick. Harvard, Mass., community at, I, 40. Alcott. Harvard, John, family of, traced, VI, S87. Waters. H. F. G. Harvard, Robert, III, 107, Harvard. Harvard college, founded, III, 107, Harvard : gift, to, 107, Harvard ; charter prepared for, IV, 253 ; affairs of. 254 ; first arrangement of graduates' names at, I, 15, Adams, John ; first professor of, II, 295, Eaton, N. ; buildings of. reforms in, marking system of, elective system, V. 152 ; during the Revolution, III, 608* Langdon, S. ; library of, destroyed, I, 247, Bernard ; V, 521, Sibley, J. L. ; first graduate of. VI, 599, Woodbridge. B. ; grand commons, rebellion at. Ill, 540, King, J. G. : Whitefield's journal on. 245, Holyoke, E.; building of Harvard hall. IV. 194. Man- ning, W. ; battle window at, III, 586, La Farge ; change in government of, II, 324, Eliot, C. W. ; in methods. 325 ; annual lecture fund. 244, Dudley, P.; loss of a legacy by, 222, Dowse ; gifts to, I, 34, Agassiz, A. ; 48, Alvord, J. ; 246 ; 334, Bowditch, N. I. ; 342, Boylston, N. and W. N. ; 346, Brackett, J.; 376, Bright, J. B.; 444 Bulkeley, P. ; 679, Cogswell, J. G.: H, 161, Dexter, S.; land given to, 262, Dunste, H; gifts to, 296, Ebeling ; 465, Fisher, Joshua; 574, Gale, T.; 687, Gore, C; 732, Gray. F. C; 756, Greenleaf, E. P.; in, 71, Hancock, T. and J.; 189, Hersey, E. and A.; 237, Hollis, T.: 252, Hooper, S.; 498, Keayne ; 555, Kirkland, J. T.; 639, Lawrence, A.; IV, 143, McLean, John ; 658, Parkman. F. : 688. Peabody, G. ; V, 340, Royall, I. ; 347, Rumford ; 466, Sever ; gift of Gage papers to, 638. Sprague. W. B.: gifts to, 712, Stoughton, I.: 713, Stoughton, W.; VI, 73, Thayer, N.; 103, Thorndike, I.; 155. Treadwell,J. G.; 156, Treat../. H.; 164, Trowbridge, E.: 179, Tufts, Q. 202, Tyndale ; 318, Wakefield, C; 327, Walker, J.; 483, Whiting, W. Harvard annex, the, H, 655, Gilman, A. Harvard book-rack, the, I, 170, Barnard, J. G. Harvard hall, the first, illustration, IH, 107. Harvard law-school, H, 72, Dane ; V, 710, Story, J. Harvard lyceum, the, II, 387, Everett. E. Harvard memorial hall, illustration, VI, 229. Harvard natural history society, III, 94, Harris. T. W. Harvard observatory, IV, 701, Peirce : gift to, V, 4, Pick- ering, E. C; 152 ; work of, VI, 565, Winlock. Harvesters, invention of. I, 151, Ball, E.; 170, Barnard. W. S.; VI, 597, Wood, W. A.; self -rake for, III, 460, Johnston, S. See Reapers. Harvey, Alexander, III, 108, Harvey, P. Harvey, Mathew, III, 88. Harper, J. M. Harvey, Prof. W. H, III. 252, Hooper, J. Harwick, Earl of, III, 210, Hillsborough. Harwood, John, pen-name, IV, 335, Miner, C. Hascall, Asa, VI, 455, Wheeler, W. A. Haseltine, Anne, HI, 483-484, Judson. Haskell, Lieut. W., V, 339, Rowson. Haskins, Elizabeth, III, 585, Ladd, J. B. Hassler, Henry and Mark, III, 122, Hassler, S. Hastings, Charles S., IH, 233, Holden, E. S. Hastings, Charlotte, VI, 461, Whipple, E. P. Hastings, Daniel H., V. 507. Hastings, Marquis of, V, 188, Ran-don. Hastings, Warren, impeachment of. I, 454, Burke, E. Hastings college of law, endowed, HI, 112. Hastings, S. C. Hastings-on-Hudson, observatory at, II, 228, Draper, H. Hatcher's Run, engagement at, II. 715. Hatchie, battle of the, TV, 584, Ord, E. O. C; II, 711. Hatch's Ranch, engagement at, II, 256, Duncan, T. Hatfield, J. B. T., Ill, 114. Hatfield, E. F. Hatfield, Mass., gifts to, V, 582, Smith, O. and S. Hathorne, W. and J., Ill, 124. Hawthorne. Hats, n, 635, Genin ; machine for making, I, 341, Boy- den, S. Hatteras, loss of the, I, 284. make. H. C. Hatteras inlet, flght at, U, 653, Gillis, J. P. ; V, 720, String- ham. Hattie, Aunt, pseudonym, I, 144, Baker, A. R. Hatton, Sir Christopher, III. 115, Hatton, T. Hatton, Richard, HI, 115, Hatton, F.