744 HEWLINGS HOOSAC Hewlings, Esther, VI, 476, White, W. Hewson, W., Ill, 193, Hewson, T. T. Heyden, Katherine, V, 543, Skeiie, P. Heyden, Rev. T., II, 581, Gallitzin. Heydon, Sir Christopher, VI, 300, Vincent, P. Heyes, Peter, II, 157, De Vries. Heyward, Daniel, III, 193, Heyward, T. H. H., pen-name, III, 386, Jackson, H. M. F. H. H. M., pen-name, III, 106, Hartshorne, H. Hiawatha, case of the, IV, 24, Lord, D. Hibbard, Rev. Billy, III, 194, Hibbard, F. G. Hibbens, Mistress, execution of, I, 229, Bellingham. Hibbins, William, IV, 741. Peters, H. Hibernia, the privateer, IV, 550, O'Brien, Jere. Hickling, William, pseudonym, II, 122, De Costa. Hickory island, capture of, II, 698, Gowan, O. R. Hicks, Beverley A., Ill, 184, Herndon, M. E. Hicks, Isaac, I, 165, Barker, J. Hicks, Rev. Thomas, IV, 713. Hicksites, III, 196, Hicks, E. Hidalgo, Cristobal, Joaquin, and Mariano, III, 197, Hidalgo. Hieroglyphics, Egyptian, key to, V, 474, Seyffarth ; first type or, used in America, IV, 352, Mooldenke, C. E.; Mexican, III, 342, Jgnacio ; key to, lost, Igolino. Hierophant, the, magazine, I, 474, Bush, G. Hierophilos, pen-name, IV, 405, Moriarty. High Bridge, III, 636, Law, G. Higher law, the, V, 471. Highlanders, colonies of, IV, 105, Macdonell, Alexander ; 106, Macdonell, M. Highlanders, regiment (79th N. Y.), mutiny in, V, 672, Stevens, 1. 1. Hildreth, Richard, HI, 200, 201, Hildreth, H. and G. M. Hildreth. Sarah, I, 478, Butler, B. F. Hilgard, Gustavus, VI, 294, Villard. Hill, Abraham, HI, 204, Hill, I. Hill, Dr. John H., HI, 204, Hill, F. M. Hill, Sir Rowland, HI, 650, Leavitt. Hill, Samuel H., IH, 691, Leonard, A. Hill, Sarah A., V, 482, Sharon. Hill, Mai. Thomas, III, 202, Hill, A. P. Hill, William and Solomon, III. 203, Hill, D. H. Hillard, George S., quoted, H, 388. Hillard, William, I, 402. Brown, James. Hillities, II, 539, Freeman, B. Hill memorial school, the Athens, HI, 204, Hill, F. M. Hillsborough, N. H., President Pierce's house at, illustra- tion, V, 8. Hillsborough, N. C, church at, founded, II, 747, Green, Hillsborough^ Earl of, rv, 66, Lyndon ; VI, 171, Tryon, W. Hillyar, Capt. James, V, 74, Porter, D. Hilton, Capt., V, 185, Rasle. Hilton, Col., V, 293, Rochester. Hilton Head, attack on the fort at. n, 671, Godon. Hincks, Chief -Justice J., Ill, 211. Hincks, E. W. Hincks, Dr. T. D., in, 212, Hincks, W. Hindman, Jacob, IH, 213, Hindman, W. Hine, Charles, pupil of. V, 710, Story, G. H. Hingham, Mass.. settled, III, 222, Hobart, P.; academy at, II, 147, Derby, R. ; IH, 189, Hersey, E. ; gift to library of, II, 423, Fearing ; meeting-house at, illustration, IV. 537. Hinman, Rev. S. D., Ill, 82, Hare, W. H. Hinton, Col. Richard J., V, 202, Real/. Hiokatoo, IH, 424, Jemison, M. Hip-diseases, treatment of, I, 394, Brown, Buckminster. Hiram, O., mob at, V, 253, Rigdon. Hiram college, H, 600. Hirscher, Dr., I, 761, Coxe. A. C. Hisingerite, discovery of, VI. 628, Wurtz. Hispaniola, colony in, I, 697. 698 ; royal university of, 739. Cordova, P. de ; H, 376, Esquivel ; cruelties to Indians in, I, 67, Anacaona. ; IV, 612, Ovando ; III, 183 ; Hernan- dez, V. ; gold-mines in, conquest of, IV, 567, Ojeda ; towns founded in, VI, 273, Velasquez. Historical Magazine, the. VI, .487, Whitmore. Historical societies, Chicago and Pennsvlvania gifts to, U, 659, Gilpin, H. D. ; of Massachusetts, 687, Gore, C. Hoadley, Eli S., rv, 248, Mason, W. Hoar, Lieut. Daniel, III, 220, Hoar, J. Hoaxes, the Hvidsaerk inscription, I, 756, Cowan, F.; newspaper, III, 751, Locke, R. A.; brain pictures, VI, 698, Rockwood. Hobart, Edmund, III, 222, Hobart, P. Hobart, Miss, III. 370. Ives, L. S. Hobart, Rev. Noah, VI, 426, Welles. N. Hobart college, H. 131 ; gift to, V, 15, Pierrepont. W. C. Hobbs, Frederic, II, 705, Granger, D. T. Hobby, Mr., VI. 373. Hobkirk's Hill, battle of, V, 188, Rawdon ; VI, 384, Wash- ington, W. Hoboken, N. J., site of, I, 199, Bayard, W.; Stevens insti- tute in, illustration, V, 675. Hochelaga. the. I, 543-544, Cartier, J. Hodgdon. Maj. S., V, 2. Hodge, Margaret, I. 198. Bayard. J. Hodgson, John. I. 198. Bayard, J. Hoerkil. the. III. 869, Husset. Hoes, Hannah, VI, 234. Hoes, Mary, VI, 230. Hoey, John, in, 226, Hoey. Hoffman, Edward F., HI, 228, Hoffman, C. F. Hoffman, Heinrich, pupil of, IV, 308, Merritt, A. L. Hoffman, J. O., II, 290, Eaton, A. Hoffman, Matilda, III, 228, Hoffman, S. ; her death, 360. Hoffman, Nicholas, HI, 228, Hoffman, S. Hoffman, Prof., H, 384, Jackson, C. L. Hoffman, Samuel V., VI, 688, Hoffman. E. A. Hofmann, Anna K., H, 180, Dimmock, G. Hofmann, August W., V, 260, Rising, W. B. Hoke, Gen. Robert F., VI, 66, Terry, A. H. Holbrook, Eliza R., Ill, 76, Hanson, E. R. Holbrook, Josiah, III, 231, Holbrook, Alfred. Holbrook, Nelson M., VI, 147, Town, S. Holcombe, R. I., IV, 69, Lyon, N. Holcroft, Thomas, I, 733, Cooper, T. A. Holden's Magazine, II, 517, Fowler, H. Hold the Fort, motive of, I, 294, Bliss, P. P. Holdup, Thomas, V, 678, Stevens, T. H. Holguin, IV, 181, Maldonado. Holguin, Alvarez, TV, 366, Montemayor. Holka, Mahratta chief, IV, 468, Murray, James. Holland, proposed treaty of, with America— its result, in, 630, Laurens ; commercial treaty with America, war with England, 666, Lee, W. Holland, J. J., V, 218, Reinagle. Holland, John, II, 244, Dudley, W. L. Holland land company, the, IV, 560, Ogden, T L.; V, 470, Seward, W. H. Holland purchase, the, II. 328, Ellicott, J. Holley, Alexander H., HI, 235, Holley, A. L. Holliday, Samuel, V, 61, Pomroy. Hollingsworth, Valentine, IU, 237, Hollingsworth, L. Hollis, Thomas Brand, in. 237, Hollis, T. Hollister, Frederick, V. 475, Seymour, H. Holloway, Junius B., UI, 238. Holloway, L. C. Holly Springs, raid on, I, 337, Bowers, T. S.; capture of, H, 711 ; VI, 245. Fan Dorn. Holmes, Ann S., VI, 213, Upham, C. W. Holmes, Daniel, III, 243, Holmes, M. J. Holmes, John and David, III, 240, Holmes, A. Holmes, George, VI, 255, Van Twiller. Holmes, Maj., in, 97. Holmes, Mary Anne, I, 317. Holmes, O. W, quoted, II, 348, 418 ; m, 48, Halleck. F. G.; TV, 702, Peirce,B.; heroine of a poem by. U, 526, Frank- land ; his birthplace, illustration, HI. 240. Holmes, William, VI, 239, Van Curler, J.; 255, Van Tiviller. Holt, Catherine, IV, 252. Mather, R. Holt, Henry, HI, 708, Leypoldt. Holton, James, VI, 491, Whitney, F. A. Holy Alliance, the, III, 377. Holy band, Wesley's, I, 108, Asbury. Holy Cross, order of the, I, 330, Bourget ; II, 650. 651. Gil- lespie, E. M. ; founded, mission of, V, 607, Sorin ; IV, 52, Luers. Holy cross college, founded, II, 286, Dzierozynskin. Holy Ground, the, III, 376. Holyoke. founded, II, 280, Divight, E. gift to charity of, X,7%, Street, W. Holyoke, Rev. Elizur, m, 245, Holyoke, E. Home for incurables, the, H, 447, Field, B. H. Home-Maker, the. magazine, VI, 64, Terhune, M. V. Homes, Luther, III, 246. Homes, M. S. S. Homes, Capt. Robert, IU, 246, Homes, W. Homes, Sarah, VI, 32. Tuppan.B. Homespun, Henry, pen-name, V. 014, Southwick. Homespun, John, pen-name, VI, 190, Tuttle, J. F. Homestead bill, I, 434 ; HI, 7, Grow ; the first, 534, Kil- bourne, James. Homestead laws, I, 241. Home, Sweet Home, song, TV. 686, Payne, J. H. Homiletic Magazine, the, VI. 554, Wilson, J. G. Homoeopathy, first lady in the institute of, HI, 390, Jack- son, if. B. Homoeopathic institutions, founder of, VI, 393, Watson, William H. Hondius, Jodocus, HI, 297. 298, Hudson, H. Honduras, conquest of, IV, 570. Olid ; invasion of, 388-389, Morazan ; H, 593, Garcia-Granados ; filibustering expe- dition to, V, 609, Soto ; revolt of slaves in, 1, 106, Arthur, G. revolt in, revolution, III, 9, Guardiola; grant of lands in, VI, 17. Tabor ; project for a colony in, 459, Whelpleti, J. D. Hone, Philip, m, 422. Honest John, VI, 58, Teedyuscung. Honestus, pseudonym, I, 120, Austin, B. Honorius, pen-name, Vl, 417, Webster, N. Hook. George F., VI, 17, Tabor. Hooker, Rev. Edward, III. 145. Haynes, John. Hooker, Joanna, V, 495. Shepard. T. Hooker, John. III. 219. Hooker. /. B. Hooker, Sir William. II. 211, Douglas, D. Hooper, Alice M., V, 749. Hooper, Robert M., III. 252. Hooper. L. H. Hoorn, exploring company of. Ill, 684, Le Ma ire. Hoosac tunnel, the, II. 117, Dearborn, H. A. S. ; 147, Derby, E. H. ; completion of the, V, 481, Shanly, W.