748 IRVING JEROME Irving, William, III, 360. Irwin, Sarah A., IV, 474, Myers, S. A. Isaac T. Hopper home, II, 636, Gibbons, A. H.; Ill, 261. Isabel, pen-name, IV, 450, Mowatt. Isabel de Braganza, Princess, IV, 590, Orleans, L. P. M. Isabella, Princess, IV, 699, Pedro II. Isabella, of Spain, I, 697 ; II, 373, Espartero ; 494, Fonseca, J. R. ; V, 464, Serrano. Isabella, Empress, II, 362, Ercilla. Isabey, Eugene, I, 399, Brown, G. L. Isham, John, in, 366. Isham, Mary, V, 174, Randolph, W. Isis, capture of the frigate, IV. 429, Mortemart. Isla, M. M., IU, 197, Hidalgo, M. Isla, the brothers, III, 480, Juarez, B. P. Island No. 10, plan for passing, I, 159, Banvard : II. 497, Foote, A. H; Ill, 50; 61, Hamilton, S.; VI, 191, Twee- dale ; 324, Walke. Island of St. John, III, 521, Kent, Duke of. Island Queen, the, capture of, I, 204, Beall, J. Y.; 456, Burley. Islas Ricas, discovery of, VI, 304, Vizcaino. Isle aux Noix, I, 611, Christie, G. Isle of Pines, the, II, 414. Isle of Wight (N. Y.), H, 595, Gardiner. Islip Grange, estate of, IV, 517, Nicolls, W. Ismail, Khedive, II, 689, Gorringe. Israel, lost tribes of, II, 322. Is That All ? anonymous novel. V, 113, Preston, H. W. Itabira gold-mines, III, 200. Hilbemaz. Italian mission, established, VI, 590, Wolfe. Italian opera, first company in U. S., II, 592, Garcia. M. Italy, struggle of 1849 in, II, 561, Fuller, S. M.; schools and home for children in, 693, Gould, E. B. ; first minis- ter to the new kingdom of, IV, 217, Marsh, G. P. ; free- dom of, VI, 681-682, Garibaldi. ItamaracA, battle at, II, 434, Fernandes', C. Itamaraca, island of, HI, 574, Koster. Itard, Jean Gaspard, pupil of, V, 454, Seguin, E. Itasca, the, I, 399, Brown, G. 496. Caldwell, C. H. B. Itinerant Dey of New Jersey, the, III, 743, Livingston, Wm. Itinerant preachers, law concerning, II. 461, Finley, S. Ituzaing6, battle of, HI, 186, Herrera, N. ; 634, Lavalleja. Itza nation, the, founded, 1, 519, Canek ; III, 345, Infante, H. Itzen-caan. or Itzen-mayal, VI, 654, Zamna. Itzstein, III, 156, Hecker, F. K. F. Iuka, battle of, II, 711 ; V, 119, Price, S. 324. Ives, Lieut. Joseph C, IV, 353, Mollliausen ; 501, New- bern/, J. S. Ives, Thomas B., I, 396. Broum, N. Ivie, Mary, n, 148, De Rosset, A. J. Ivison, David B., Ill, 371, Ivison, H. Ivy Creek, battle of, IV, 225, Marshall, C. A. Izamal, city of, VI, 654, Zamna. Izamnat-Ul, VI, 654, Zamna. Izard, Elizabeth, VI, 624, Wright, A. Izard, Mary, IV, 317, Middleton, A. Izard, Sarah, I, 515, Campbell, W. Izquierdo, II, 673, Gomez. Jablousky, Bishop D. E., IV, 524, Nitschmann, D. Jachman, B. de. II, 439, Fernow. Jack, Captain, Modoc leader, I, 518, Canby. Jack-chain, machine for making, HI, 505, Kellogg, G. Jackson, Judge Albert, III, 564, Kuott. Jackson, A., disruption of his cabinet, II, 294, Eaton, M. L. ; headquarters at New Orleans, illustration, III, 376 ; Hermitage, illustration, 381. Jackson, Anna C, IV, 43, Lowell, A. C. Jackson, Judge Charles, IH, 240, Holmes, 0. W. ; 294, Hub- bard, S. Jackson, Charles L., rv, 70, Mabery. Jackson, Cummins, HI, 391, Jackson, T. J. Jackson, Capt. Daniel, HI, 390, Jackson, M. B. Jackson, Hugh, IH, 373, Jackson?; Andrew. Jackson, James, parodied. II, 533 ; VI, 691. Lakey. Jackson, Dr. James. Ill, 240, Holmes, O. W. Jackson, I. R., HI, 98. Jackson, Miss L., II. 344. Jackson, Richard, II. 118, De Berdt. Jackson, Maj. Timothy, III, 386, Jackson. F. Jackson, W. S., in, 386, Jackson, H. M. F. Jackson, Miss., capture of, II, 712. Jacksonville, Fla.. capture of, HI, 199, Higginson, T. W. battle of, IV. 157. McPherson, J. B. ; engagement near, II, 40. Gushing, W. B. Jacob, Relief, V, 744. Sumner, C. Jacob's ladder. Mt. Washington, illustration, IV, 219. Jacobins, Lafayette's letter denouncing, IH, 589. Jacobs, Bela, III, 395. Jacobs, S. 8. Jacque, Charles, I, 685, Cole, J. F. Jacquesson, Louis, pupils of, IV, 520, Niemeyer, J. H. ; VI, 171, Tryon, D. W. Jacquet. Jean Paul. ni. 295. Hudde. Jaequet. Col., Ill, 557, Kirkioood. R. Jadassohn, I, 563, Chadwick, G. W. Jakob, Prof. L. H. von, V, 284, Robinson, E. Jalapa. plan of, I, 476. Bustamente, A.: capture of. V, 441. Jamaica, discovery of, I, 697 ; towns founded in, II, 376, Esquivel ; capture by the English, 569, Gage. T. ; earth- quake in, III. 222, Hobby, Sir C; New-Englanders in- vited to colonize, II, 684, Gookin, D. insurrections in, 396, Eyre. E. J. ; 685 ; executions, 686, Gordon, G. W. ; French and Spanish in, III, 631, Laurent ; revolt in, IV, 457, Mulgrave, C. H. Jamaica, N. Y., II, 133, De Lancey, O. ; church contest in, IV, 155, McNish. Jamaica Plain, Mass., school at. I, 475, Bussey, B. James II., U, 85, David, E.; his toleration of dissenters, IV, 714. James, Abel, IH, 399, James, T. C. James, Capt., IV, 368, Montez. James, Charles P., I, 5, Abbott. B. V. James, Dr. Daniel, HI, 397, James, E. James, Elizabeth, VI, 478, Whitefleld. James, G. P. R., II, 450, Field, M. B. James, Judge, I, 482. Butler. A. P. James, Julia L., I, 483, Butterfield, D. James, Mrs. Louis. VI. 316, Wainwright, J. M. James, Uriah P., Ill, 398, James, J. F. James, W. D., IV, 209, Marion. James bay, III, 399, James, T. James river, bridge over, IV, 277, Mayo. John. James Stanley, anonymous book, III, 516, Kennedy, C. Jamestown, N. Y., II, 495, Foote, E. T. Jamestown, Va., settlement on the site of, I, 123, Ayllon ; colony at, II, 691, Gosnold ; settlers of, IV, 505, Newport ; supposed discovery of gold, IV, 505 ; settlement, V, 570 ; burned, I, 131, Bacon, N. Jamestown Ford, engagement at, VI, 399. Janemo, Chief, IV, 523, Ninegret. Janeway, T. L., Ill, 401, Janeway, J. J. Jans, Anneke, I, 301, Bogardus. E. Jansen, William, grant to, III, 453. Jansen family, the, HI, 444, Johnson, J. B. Jansenists, the, VI, 261, Varlet. Janvrin. Mary W., II, 335, Ellsworth. M. W. Japan, II, 765, Griffls; fight at Osaka, 358, English, E.; ports of, opened, 455 ; American seamen imprisoned in, 667, Glynn ; first commercial treatj* with, HI, 95, Harris, T.; survey of, IV, 59, Lyman, B. S.; scientific researches in, 423, Morse, E. S. ; 296, Mendenhall, T. C. ; first scien- tific navigator of, 476, Nakahama ; U. S. relations with, V, 131, Pruyn, R. H; first American official of, 562, Smith, E. P. ; expedition to and treaty with, IV, 737, Per- ry, M. C; agricultural college in, I, 631. Clark, W. S.; indemnity fund, the, II, 544," Frelinghuysen, F. T.; Ill, 272, House, E. H. Japanese, dictionary of, III, 179, Hepburn. Jaramillo, Juan de, IV, 206, Marina. Jaranta, Chief, HI, 607, Lane, Joseph. Jardineiros, the, III, 430, Jequitinhonha. Jarvis, William, IV, 151, MacNab. Jason, the privateer, IV, 189, Manley, J. Jasper, Margaret, IV, 712. Java, capture of the, 1, 141. Jay, Eve, rV, 461, Munro, H. Jay, John, I, 19 ; residence, illustration, III, 410 ; investi- gating commission, I, 100 : treaty, III, 58, 410 ; an Eng- lish opinion of, ibid. : III. 542, King, R. ; papers relating to, rv, 169, 223 ; popular clamor over, 242, Mason, S. T. : V, 177, Randolph, E. VI, 417, Webster, N.; V, 596, Smith, William Loughton. Jayne, Juan, n, 575, Gali. Jayne, Ebenezer, HI, 414, Jayne, D. Jeannette, voyage of the, II, 72. Danenhower ; 137, DeLong. Jeannette island, discovered, H, 137. De Long. Jebb, Dr. John, V, 129. Jefferson, Hettie, IV. 133, Mackenzie, H. Jefferson, Maria, II, 360, Eppes. Jefferson, Peter, 11.557, Fry, Joshua ; HI, 415, Jefferson, T. Jefferson, Thomas, sermon aimed at. II. 351. Emmons, A'.; his controversy with Livingston, HI. 746 : election of. 59; his home, illustration, 419 ; his tomb, 423 ; his seal, 421 ; 414, Jefferson, J. Jefferson college, Pa., IV, 150, McMillan, John. Jefferson college, La., founded, V. 313. Roman. Jefferson medical college, IV, 85, McClellan, G. ; gifts to, • H, 340, Ely, E. S. Jefferson Davis, the privateer, II. 99. Jeffrey, Alexander, III. 424, Jeffrey, R. V. G. Jeffrey, Lord, III, 668. Lee, H. Jeffrey, Miss, V, 222, Renwick. Jemison, Thomas, III, 424, Jemison, M. Jenkins, Alexander M., lV, 5, Logan, J. A. Jenkins. W., Ill, 426, Jenkins, A. A. Jenks. Lewis E., HI, 428, Jenks, P. Jenks, Nathan, III, 428, Jenks, E. W. Jenks, Dr. Phineas, IV, 683. Paxon. Jennings, Edmund, IV, 358, Monroe, J. Jenninps, William, VI, 690, Jennings. F. Jennison. Silas H., V, 478. Seymour. H. Jennison's Jayhawkers, IV, 251, Mather, F. Jeremie, III, 584, Lacroix. Jeremie, Hayti, founded, IV, 445, Motte, E. A. Jeremy Levis, anonymous book, IV, 597, Osborn, L. Jerome, Ambrosini. Ill, 17. Guy. S. J. Jerome, Rev. C, IH, 430, Jerome, I. E.