Page:Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography (1889, volume 6).djvu/807

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NICOLINI NULLIFICATION 769 Nicolini, Ernesto, IV, 675, Patti. Nicoll, Margaret. II, 488, Floyd, R. ; IV, 70. Mac Adam. Nicolls, Margaret, IV, 517, Nicolls, M. Nicolson pavement, the, IV, 518. Nicolson, S. Nierker, Ernest, I, 41, Alcott, M. Niernsee, J. R., V, 117, Price, B. Nieuer Amstel, colony of. See New Amstel. Nieva, Count of, IV, 22, Lopez de Zuniga. Nightingale, case of the, IV, 135, McKeon. Nightingale of the Twrch, the, II, 306, Edtvards, John. Nigromante. El, pen-name, V, 165, Ramirez, I. Niles's Register. IV, 520, Niles, H. Niles, W. O.. IV, 521, Niles, H. Nillo, pen-name, II. 37, Curtiss, A. A. Nina, the, caravel, I, 697. Ninde, Rev. W. W , IV, 522, Ninde, W. X. Nineteenth century club, the, IV, 637, Palmer, C. Ninety-Six, S. C, defence of, II, 23, Cruger, J. H. ; incident of the retreat from, 623, Geiger ; IV, 209, Marion ; en- gagement at, V, 56, Polk, T. Ninicapua. Indian town of, IV. 54, Luna. Nipmuck Indians, the, III, 331, Hutchinson, E. Niquihao, engagement at, I, 304. Nisan Iftiehar, decoration of, IV, 427. Nisbet, Dr. James, IV, 524, Nisbet, E. A. Nissage-Saget, Gen., V, 378, Salnave. Nissonaquet, III. 610, Langlade. ■ Nitric oxide, discovery, V, 120, Priestley. Nitrogen, determinations of, V, 132, Pugh, Evan ; dis- coverer of, 356, Rutherford, F. S. Nitrous oxide, discovery of, III, 385, Jackson, C. T. ; first use of, in dentistry, VI, 430, Wells, H. Nivison, Dr. Nelson, II, 465, Fisher, G. J. Nixon, Richard, IV, 525, Nixon, J. Nixon, Henry, IV, 526. Nixon, J. Noailles, Due de, III, 586, Lafayette. Noble, Rev. Samuel, II, 122, De Charms. Noche triste tree, the, illustration, I, 749. Nocton, capture of the packet, V, 73, Porter, D. Noddle's island, grant of, IV, 266, Maverick, S. No Flint Grey, sobriquet, II, 762, Grey. Nolin river, name of, IV, 66, Lynn. Nollet, Abbe, IIIj 550, Kinnersley. No Man's Land, island, II, 691, Gosnold. Nombre de Dios, founded, IV, 519, Nicuesa ; V, 82, Por- tillo ; colony at, 737, Suarez, Juan. Nonantum, town of, II, 322 ; memorial at, illustration, 322. None, Noirot de la, VI, 277, Ventadour. Non-importation agreement, the, I, 281, Blair, James ; 324, Botetourt ; V. 447, Searle, J; 603, Snyder, C; reso- lutions, I, 255, Biddle, C. IV, 241, Mason, G. Non-intercourse act, the, IV, 170. Nonpareil of Virginia, the, V, 570. Nootka, discovery of, III, 87, Haro, G. L. de ; dispute concerning, VI, 238, Vancouver. Nootka sound, exploration of, IV, 284, Meares. Nopal-plant, the. III, 327, Huon. Nordenskiold, II, 137, De Long. Norfolk, Va., burned, II, 260, Dunmore ; navy-yard, burn- ing of, VI, 159, Trenchard, 8. D. ; seizure of press at. III, 244, Holt, John ; capture, VI, 291, Viele, E. L.; blockade of United States ships at, IV, 708, Pendergrast. Norfolk, the, ship, I, 140, Bainbridge, W. Norma, pen-name. I, 386, Brooks, J. G. Normal schools, idea of, I, 541, Canter, J. G. ; first, in United States, III, 44. Hall, S. R. Normanby, Viscount, IV, 456, Mulgrave, H. P. Norodom, King, III, 29, Haider-man. Noronha Freire, Joao de. Ill, 475, Jose de Santa Theresa. Noros, Louis P., IV, 522, Nindemann. Norridgewock, Me., destruction of. IV, 446, Moulton, J. ; mission at, V, 184-185, Rasle. Norris, Isaac, II, 501, Ford, P. Norris, Thomas. IV, 532, Norris, I. Norris, W., II, 766, Griffiths, J. W. Norris party, the, V, 43, Plumsted. North, farthest point reached, HT, 752, Lockwood, J. B. North, Lord, quoted, IV, 371. North, William Steuben, VI, 443, Weston, M. C. N. North America, exploration of the coast of, VI, 282, Ver- razano ; scientific exploration of, IV, 732, Perrein ; I, 546, Carver, Jonathan ; 549, Casanate ; 568, Champlain ; exploration of the western coast, III, 616, La Perouse ; discovery, I, 491, Cabot ; discovery of islands, 492, Cabril- lo ; plan to explore western coast, III, 655, Ledyard, J. North American club, the, I, 424. North American Review, I, 577 : II, 70. Dana, R. H. 343, Emerson, R. W.; 386, Everett ; 387 ; 702, Graham, G. R.; Ill, 31, Hale, N ; IV, 1 Lodge, H. C: V. 233. Rice, A. T. Northampton, Mass., college founded at, V, 582, Smith, S.; free library of, II. 498, Forbes, C. E. North Anna river, engagements on the, II, 714. North Bend. Ohio, VI, 16, Symmes, J. C. North Carolina, atrocities of Tories in, II, 406, Fanning, D. and E. ; coast explored, I, 166, Barlow, A.; colonies II, 667, Glover, W. ; V, 162-163 : VI, 640, Yeamans ; con tests of Anglicans and Quakers in. Indian murders. III 336, Hyde, E.: discovery of minerals in, II, 51, Dalmey C. W.; disturbances in, III, 233, Holden, W. W.; High VOL. VI. — 49 landers in, IV, 101, MacDonald, F. : mines in, I, 059, Clingman ; Catholic institutions in, IV, 553, O'Connetl, J. J.; Revolutionary movements in. III, 282, Hone, R.; rice-culture in, I, 87, Archdale ; Royalist movements in, during the Revolution, IV, 232-233, Martin, Josiah ; set- tlement of, II, 234, Drummond, W. ; 700, Graffenried ; Washington district of, V, 466, Sevier. North Carolina, the war- ship, IV, 736, Perry, M. C. North Carolina university, gifts to, IV, 739, Person ; V, 557, Smith, Benjamin. Northeastern boundary, discovery of map giving the, V, 622 ; VI, 413. Northeast passage, a, II, 534, Franklin, Sir J. ; search for, III, 296. 297 ; 574. Kotzebue : IV, 180, Malaspina. Northern Lights, magazine, IV, 51, Ludlow, F. H. Northern Light, the, filibustering ship. IV, 135, McKeon. Northmen, discovery of America by, U, 363, Eric the Red ; V, 160, Rafn ; in America, VI. 106, Thorfinn ; 660, Zeno ; 106, Thorvald ; ship of, illustration, 102. North Middleborough academy, V, 102. Pratt, E. North Pownal, Vt., academy at, I; 99, Arthur. North Star, the, periodical, II, 217, Douglas, F. Northumberland, Duke of, IV, 725, Percy, H. ; Earl of, III, 90, Harriot. Northumberland, Pa., V. 121, Priestley. Northwest, college at, IV, 457, Mullen. Northwest, rebellion in the, V, 252, Riel. Northwest, the, accession of, II. 634, Gibault. Northwest, the, magazine, V, 553, Smalley, E. V. Northwest boundary, dispute over the, V. 5, Pickett. G. E. Northwestern Journal of Homoeopathy, V, 511, Shipman. Northwestern Presbyterian seminary, gift to, IV, 95, Mc- Cormick, C. H. Northwest passage, a, I, 715 ; search for a, II, 103 ; 333, Ellis, H. ; 520, Fox, L. ; 534-535, Franklin ; search for, 553, Frobisher ; Dobbs, Arthur ; 559. Fuentes, B. ; (545, Gilbert, Sir H ; 674, Gomez, E. ; III. 296. Hudson, H. ; 297 ; 603, Lancaster, Sir J.; IV. 459. Muvk ; 626, Pages ; V, 330, Ross. Sir James ; 537, Simpson, T. : VI, 277, Ve- randrye ; 282, Verrazano ; discovery of, IV, 90, McClure, Sir R. Northwest territory, cession of Virginia's claim to, rv, 358, Monroe, J. ; V, 369, St. Clair. North Wollaston, Mass., Ill, 431, Jewell, M. Norton, Ichabod, IV, 535, Norton. Norton, Mrs. Perez, I, 9, Acland. Norton, Seth, V. 284, Robinson, E. Norton, W. E., III. 53, Halsall. Norton, Rev. William, IV, 536, Norton, J. Norumbega, II, 645, Gilbert, Sir H. ; site of, III, 266, Hors- ford, E. N. Norwalk, Conn., engagement at, rv, 663, Parsons, S. H. Norway House, the, IV, 146, McLeod, J. Norway, movement to restore the old language of, in lit- erature, IH, 402, Janson, K. Norwich, Conn., academy, II, 513, Foster. L. S. ; V, 548, Slater ; deed of land in, VI, 209, Uncas ; monument at, illustration, 208. Norwich, Vt., university, IV, 606, Partridge. Norwood, Prof. Joseph G, V, 630, Spencer. J. W. Nossa Senhora do Rozario, city of, founded, IV, 198, Ma- ranhdo. Notes, Queries, and Answers. VI, 417. Webster, N. B. Note-wheel, invention of a, VI, 506, Wilder, B. G. Nothing to Wear, anonymous poem, I, 477, Butler, W. A. Notre Dame, congregation or, I, 329, Bourgeois ; sisters of, IV, 497, Neumann, J. N. Nott, Rev. Handel G., IV, 540, Nott, R. M. Nott, Dr. Josiah C, II, 665, Gliddon, G. R. Nott, Samuel, VI, 424, Welch, M. C. Nottingham, John H., VI, 214, Upshur, J. H. Nova Albion, II, 224. Drake, Sir F. Nova Anglia, Latin poem. IV, 391, Morell, W. Novanglus, pen-name, I, 17 ; III. 691, Leonard, D. Novanglus letters, the, II, 302, Edes, B. Nova Scotia, admission of, to the Dominion. IH, 281, Howe, Joseph ; capture of, VI, 285, Vetch ; the French in, III, 593, La Gallissoniere ; capture of French posts in, IV, 356, Monckton, R.; colonization of, 374, Monts; churches founded in, V, 525, Sigogne : grant of, I. 48, Alexander W. : reform-party in, VI, 647, Young, W. ; union with the Dominion, V, 323, Rose, Sir J. See Acadia. Nova Scotia, the. packet, HI, 312, Humphrey, J. Novella, Gen., III. 368. Novello, Clara, III, 506, Kellogg, C. L. Novelty, the, steam-carriage. II, 364. Noyes, Joseph, I. 623, Clap. T. Nueva Andalucia. IV. 567, Ojeda : 588, Orellana. Nueva Segovia, piratical expedition to, IV. 50, Lnssan. Nueva Vizcaya, II, 166, Diaz, Melgarejo ; IH, 338, Ibarra- Francisco de. Nugent, Sir George. V, 544. Skinner, C. Nullification, resolutions of 1798-'9, 1, 23. 242. 365. 500, 503 ; first advocated, III, 144. Hayne, R. Y.; 242, Holmes, I. E.; 301, Huger, A.; test-oath, 315, Hunt, B. F. first at- tempt at, 381 ; proclamation, Jackson's, supposed au- thor of, 746 : IV, 112. McDuffie ; first mention of. Madi- son on, 170 ; 768. Pickens, F. W. movement, V, 49. Poin- sett ; VI, 184, Turnbull, R. J.; 195 ; debates, 410, 411,413..