RAMSAY RELAND 781 Ramsay, Charlotte, III, 688, Lennox. Ramsay, Mary, IV, 603, Oswald, R. Ramses II., statue of, VI, 571, Winslow, W. C. Ramsey, Dr. David, III, "29, Lincoln, B. Ramsey, Francis A., V, 168, Ramsey, J. G. M. Ramsey, W.. Ill, 454. Johnson, W. Ramsey, Rev. W., V, 197, Read, H. Ramsour's Mills, engagement at, IV, 383, Moore, John. Ramusio, Giambattista, III, 430, Jerez. Rancagua valley, battle in the, I, 535, Carrera, J. M. ; II, 541, Freire, R. : IV, 566, O'Higyins, B. ; 602, Osorio. Ranck, G. W., IV, 566, O'Hara, T. Rand, Benjamin. V, 745. Randall. Phineas, V, 170, Randall, A. W. Randall, Thomas, V, 170, Randall, R. R. Randall's island, action at, III, 167, Henley, T. Raudegger, Alberto, pupil of, VI, 490, Whitney, M. W. Randolfe, Thomas, V, 174, Randolph, W. Randolph, Ariana, V, 176, Randolph, J. Randolph, Avery, V, 174, Randolph, W. Randolph, Elizabeth, IV, 282, Meade, R. K. Randolph, Henry, V, 174, Randolph, W. Randolph, Sir John, view of his house, V, 174. Randolph, Jane, III, 415, Jefferson, T. Randolph, John, III, 47 ; , 174, Randolph, W. ; reply to, I, 451, Burges ; quoted, III, 25, Hagner, P. ; 79, Har- din, B. Randolph, Martha, III, 423, Jefferson, M. Randolph, Mary, I, 386, Brooks, J. Randolph, Richard, V, 174, Randolph, W. ; 178, Randolph, J. Randolph, Robert L., V, 171, Randolph, A. M. Randolph, destruction of the, I, 256, Biddle, N. Randolph-Macon college, II, 182, Disosicay ; in, 680, Leigh, H. G.; IV, 571, Olin, S. Ranger, the, III, 468. Ransom, Alexander, V, 484, Shattuck. A. D. Ransom. Col., V, 479, Seymour, T. H. Rantowles, engagement at, VI, 384, Washington, W. Rany. S., II, 516, Fouville. Raousset-Boulbon, Count de, VI, 296, 297, Villeraye. Rapaelje, Jan Joris, V, 183, Rapaelje, S. Rapp, Frederick, IV, 615, Owen, R. Raritan canal, V, 694, Stockton, R. F. Rasher Family, anonymous book, VI, 287, Victor, M. V. Rasle, Sebastian, tragedy founded on the story of, n, 123, Deering. Rat, the, III, 572, Kondiaronk. Ratazzi, Madame, II, 75, Daniel, J. M. Ratcliffe, Capt. John, V, 570 ; 626, Spelman. Ratib Pacha, IV, 28. Loring, W. W. Rattan, inventions for using, III, 194, Heywood, L. ; use of, VI, 318, Wakefield, C. Raucourt, Oliver de, VI, 508, Wilhorst. Raumer, Friedrich von, V, 622. Raupp, Carl, pupil of, V, 326, Rosenthal, T. E. Ravenscraig, Montreal, I, 50, Allan, Sir H. Ravensworth, estate of, II, 475, Fitzhugh, W. H. Rawle, Francis William. V, 190, Rawle, H. Rawlings, Henry, V, 190, Rawlings, M. Rawlins, James D., V, 190, Rawlins, J. A. Rawson, Peletiah, II, 730, Gray, G. E. Ray, Henry, arrest of. V, 91, Potter, P. Rayetayah. Chief, IV, 556, Oconostota. Raymond, Charles M., I, 548, Cary, A. L. Raymond, H. J., discussions of, with Greeley, II, 736, 738. Raymond, Miss., engagement at, H, 712 ; IV, 157, Mc- pherson, J. B. Raynal, Abbe, in, 712, Ligon, R. Rayneval, M., Ill, 409. 410 ; VI, 267. Rayneval, Gerard de, VI, 279, Vergennes. Razamowsky, Count G. de, II, 637, Gibbs. Razilly, Isaac de, I, 583, Charnisi. Rea, Samuel J., IV, 205, Marguerittes. Read, Col. Clement. V, 200, Read, T. Read, Deborah. II. 527, 528. Read, Emily, V. 213, Reeves, M. C. L. Read, Luman, II, 477, Flagg, G. W. Read, W., Ill, 365, Irwing. Reade, Elizabeth, VI, 574. Reade, Thomas, VI, 575, Winthrop, J. Readjuster party, the, IV. 177, Mahone. Readymoney Spencer, sobriquet, V, 629, Spencer, E. Real Advantages ... of conforming to the Church of England, anonymous book, VI, 426, Welles, N. Ream, Vinnie. Ill, 288, Hoxie, V. R. Ream's Station, engagements at, III, 73 ; II, 714. Reapers, invention of the Buckeye, I, 151, Ball. E.; inven- tion of steel, II, 377, Esterly ; first practical, invention of, IV, 95, McCormick, C. H. See also Harvesters. Reason the only oracle, III, 331, Hutchinson, Aaron. Rebellion, Bacon's, I, 131, Bacon, N. Rebellion, Shays's, I, 335, Bowdoin. Rebellion tree, the, II, 70, Dana, R. H. Rebisso, statue by, II, 725 : illustration, 724. Recamier, Madame, I, 590, Chateaubriand ; II, 254, Du Motay. Recife, surrender of the Dutch at, IV, 487, Negreiroa. Reciprocants, theory of, VI, 15, Sylvester, J. J. Reciprocity treaty, I, 324, Botsford. See Treaties. Recollet fathers, the, II, 555, Frontenac ; ITI. 168, Henne- pin; in Quebec, 635, Laval, F. X.; missions of, 618, La Ribourde ; 652, Leclerq ; IV, 185, Mambre ; 525, Nivert ; 593, Orry ; V, 41, Plessys ; 366, Sagard ; VI, 17, Tac ; dissensions with the Jesuits. IV, 314, Michel. Reconstruction, I, 64, Ames. A. ; 109, Ashburn ; 276 ; 409, Brown, J. E. 416, Brownlow ; 447, Bidlock, R. B.; 531, Carpenter, M. H. in Mississippi. 607, Chisolm; report on, II, 444, Fessenden, W. P.; 717, 719 ; carpet-bag gov- ernments, 740 ; III, 70, Hampton ; 203, Hill, B. H. ; con- tests of congress and the president on, 438, 439 ; Lincoln on, 725 ; V, 472, 477 : 649, Stanton. E M. 677, Stevens, T. ; 726-727, Stuart, A. H. H; the Wade-Davis manifesto, VI, 311, Wade, B. F. Record of the Year, magazine, IV, 381, Moore. F. Recreations of Christopher North, the, II, 260, Dunlop, W. Rector, Henry M., VI, 141. Totten. J. Red Bank, N. J., battle at, II, 201, Don op. Red Book, in, 517, Kennedy, J. P. ; II, 23, Cruse, P. H. Red Cross society, the, I, 187, Barton ; II, 384, Evans, T. W.; VI, 333. Walker. Redden, Laura C, pen-name, V, 446, Searing. Redel, Beatrice, III, 188, Herrman, A. Redemptorist, first, in U. S., IV, 497, Neumann, J. N. Reden, Countess von, V, 251,. Riedesel, F. C. L. Reden, Karl, pen-name, I, 711, Converse, C. C. Redfleld, William, IV, 593, Orr, J. W. Red river, Canada, attempted settlement on, III, 36, Hal- kett, I. ; V, 448, Selkirk, Earl ; founder of settlement on, I, 47, Alexander. T.; IV, 106. Macdonell, M.; insurrec- tion in, I. 286, Blake, E.; V, 252, Riel ; VI, 18, Tachi, A. A.; 591, Wolseley. Red river, La., expedition. I. 159, Banks ; V, 590, Smith, T. K.; dam built on the, I, 138, Bailey, J.; blockaded, II, 417 ; raft, the great, V, 517, Shreve, H. M. Red Rose tavern, I, 116, Aubrey. L. Redwood, anonymous book, V, 451, Sedgwick, C. M. Redwood library, Newport, I, 246. Reed, Charles, IH, 260, Hopkinson. T. Reed, John, VI, 112, Ticknor, W. D. Reed, Joseph, II, 433, Ferguson, E. Reed, Mary J., UI, 200, Hildeburn, M. J. Reed, Rebecca, V, 350, Rush, Jacob. Reed, Rev. Solomon, V, 207, Reed, John. Reed. Rev. Sylvanus, VI, 697, Reed. Reed, Rev. W., V, 207, Reed, D. Reed college, VI, 697, Reed. Rees, J., II, 505, Forrest, E. Reeve, John, I, 473, Burton. Reeves, Charlotte, V, 279, Robertson. C. R. Reeves, Sims, IV, 679, Paul, I. F. Reformed church, use of the Dutch language in, III, 595, Laidlie,A. ; independence of the, II, 542, Frelinghuysen, T. J.; VI, 249, Van Nieuwenhuysen ; first clergyman of, in America, IV, 313, Michozlius ; first classis and ordina- tion, VI, 37, Tassemacher ; schism in, II, 553. Froeligh ; the Coetus and the Conferentie, III, 708, Leydt ; Coetus and Conferentie parties in, IV, 312, Meyer, H.; parties in. father of, III, 747, Livingston, J. H: Indian missions, rights of, under the English, IV, 286-287, Megapolensis ; lawsuit on the use of English in preaching, V, 316, Ronde ; first English book, ibid.; right of, under the English rule, VI, 251, Van Rensselaer, N; missions, II, 209, Doty, E.; IV, 58. Lydius, J.; 77, McCartee, D. B.; V, 444, Scud- der ; VI, 26, Talmage, J. V. N. ; 277, Verbeck ; records of, V, 459, Selyns ; anniversary at Schenectady, VI, 254, Van Santvoord. S. Reformed Episcopal church, the. I, 598, Cheney, C. E.; II, 31, Cummins, G. D.; VI, 479, Whitehouse, H. J. Reformed Presbyterian church, psalmody of, IV, 145, Mc- Leod, J. N. Refrigeration, method of artificial. II, 255, Du Motay. Refugees, the associated, H, 132, 406, Fanning. E. Regicides, the, III, 676, Leete ; story of one, II, 187, Dix- well ; 672, Goffe : VI, 446, Whalley, E. Regiomontanus, I, 222, Behaim. Register, Seeley, pen-name, VI, 287, Victor, M. V. Regla, the count of, II. 28, Cultzliayotl. Regnier, Francois Joseph, VI, 349, Ward, G. Regulating act, the, I, 592, Chatham. Regulator-clocks, improvement to, III, 751, Locke, J. Regulators, the. II. 406, Fanning. E.; defeat of, by Gov. Tryon, m, 329, Husbands; 253, Hooper, W.; U, 406, Fanning. Regules, N.. n, 369. Eicobedo. Rehoboth, Mass.. IV, 474, Myles, J. Rehoboth, R. I., founded, IV, 505, Newman. S. Reichel. Rev. Benjamin, V, 214, Reichel, W. C. Reid, Alexander R., V. 215, Reid, John. Reid, Anne, I, 669, Cobbett, W. Reid, Christian, pen-name, II, 465, Fisher, F. C. Reid, Lieut. John, V, 215, Reid, S. C. Reid, John W., V, 119. Price. T. L. Reily. Benjamin, V, 218, Reily, J. Reindeer, the, I, 287, Blakeley. Reinecke, I, 563, Chadwick, G. W. Reissiger, C. G., II, 317, Eisfeld. Rejenerador party, the. III, 714, Linares. Reland, Hadrian,' V, 285, Robinson, E.