Page:Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography (1892, volume 3).djvu/520

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inquirer after religious truth gave him great encouragement, and the baptism of the first convert was an occasion of much rejoicing. Dr. Judson prepared and published tracts, taught, preached, undertook a perilous journey to obtain the assistance of a few native Christians of whom he had heard, and in many other ways pushed forward the work. He was prosecuting it with much hope and some success, when the accession to the throne of a bigoted and zealous Buddhist cast a dark shadow over the prospects of the mission. Dr. Judson resolved to go in person to Ava to solicit from the king tolerance for the Christian religion. Although this seemed to secure to the missionaries no very favorable result, yet for several years their work was not seriously interrupted. In 1817 Dr. Judson completed the translation of the Gospel of Matthew, and in 1821 the Epistle to the Ephesians. In 1824 he removed to Ava, where he was well received. The war, which at this time began between the English and the Burmese, involved the missionaries in extremest sufferings. They were suspected of being in correspondence with the English, and were subjected to every form of cruelty and indignity that a fierce and malicious government could invent. They were imprisoned in the “death prison,” where there was foul air and no light, were given little food, and loaded with five pairs of fetters. They were driven like cattle, almost naked, under a scorching sun to another prison, where the purpose was to burn them alive in the presence of one of the high officials, who regarded it as a festive occasion. They were finally liberated and assisted through the agency of Sir Archibald Campbell, and left Ava for Rangoon. Finding this place ineligible for the re-establishment of their mission, they removed to Amherst, the capital of the provinces recently ceded to the British. Dr. Judson had been previously offered, but had declined, the post of interpreter in the English service, at a salary of $3,000. In 1830 and 1831 he made missionary tours to Prome and Rangoon, where hundreds of his tracts were distributed. In 1831 he removed his residence to Maulmain, which had been selected as the English capital. At this time he began a series of preaching-tours in the Karen jungles, which were followed by marked results. The next twenty-five years witnessed, it is estimated, 20,000 conversions among the Karens to the Christian faith. In June, 1833, Dr. Judson completed the translation of the Bible into Burmese. He at once began a revision of the whole Scripture, which occupied him till near the close of 1840. His chief literary works consisted of a Burman grammar, a Pali dictionary, a Burman dictionary, and a complete Burman bible. His mastery of the Burmese language was remarkable; he forbade himself the use of English, excepting one English newspaper. About 1841 he began the revision of his Burman dictionary. His first plan of the work was to make only one part, Burmese into English; but the work grew on his hands, and he decided to make it double, Burmese into English, and English into Burmese. He finished the first part in 1849, and hoped to complete the second in the following year. Brown university gave him the degree of D. D. in 1823. In 1842 Mrs. Judson's declining health made it necessary that she should seek a colder climate. Her husband was obliged to accompany her, and they took passage for America. On their way thither Mrs. Judson died, and was buried on the island of St. Helena. Dr. Judson, with the children, continued the voyage and landed in Boston. On 11 July, 1846, he embarked for Maulmain. He fixed his residence in Rangoon, with the resolution of trying again to get a foothold in Ava; but on account of the low state of the treasury was obliged to return to Maulmain, where he devoted himself to the completion of his dictionary. In November, 1849, he took a violent cold, and from that time his health failed steadily until his death at sea, on his way to the Isle of France. His life has been written by Francis Wayland (2 vols., Boston, 1853), and by his son Edward (New York, 1883). — His first wife, Ann Haseltine, missionary, b. in Bradford, Mass., 22 Dec., 1789; d. in Amherst, India, 24 Oct., 1826, was educated at the Bradford academy. She married Dr. Judson on 5 Feb., 1812, and sailed with him for Calcutta. Her health having become impaired, she left India in August, 1821, and after a visit to England arrived in New York, 25 Sept., 1822. She visited Philadelphia, Bradford, and Baltimore, where she spent the winter in preparing a “History of the Burmese Mission” in the form of letters addressed to her English host, Josiah Butterworth. In March, 1823, she visited Washington, D. C., where the Baptist general convention held its session. A committee was appointed to confer with her respecting the Burman mission, and at her suggestion several important measures were adopted. The copyright of her “History of the Burmese Mission” she presented to this committee. She returned to Calcutta in 1823, and sailed thence to Rangoon. Dr. Judson having been committed to the “death prison,” she was unprotected against the plundering of her goods and the seizure of her person. She visited those in authority to ask assistance for the imprisoned missionaries, and with her infant and two Burmese girls she followed her husband to the prison. After Dr. Judson's release, she was attacked with spotted fever, and only partially recovered. A tribute to Mrs. Judson, which appeared in a Calcutta paper, written by one of the English prisoners, calls her “the author of those eloquent and forcible appeals to the government which prepared them by degrees for submission to terms of peace never expected by any who knew the hauteur and inflexible pride of the Burman court.” After peace was concluded Dr. and Mrs. Judson settled in Amherst. With the aid of a teacher, she translated the Gospel of Matthew and the Burmese catechism into Siamese, and assisted him in preparing a Burmese grammar and made translations into that language. — His second wife, Sarah Hall Boardman, missionary, b. in Alstead, N. H., 4 Nov., 1803; d. in the harbor of James Town, St. Helena, 1 Sept., 1845, married George Dana Boardman (q. v.), and went with him to India, remaining two years in Calcutta, studying the Burmese language, and preparing for future work. In April, 1827, Mr. and Mrs. Boardman removed to Amherst, which had been selected as the seat of the mission and also for the English capital in Burmah. They subsequently resided in Maulmain, and removed to Tavoy in 1828, where she established a girls' school. After the death of her husband in 1831, she remained in Burmah, and made journeys through the Karen jungles accompanied by some of her Karen disciples, and addressed assemblies of two or three hundred. In 1834 she married Dr. Judson. and removed to Maulmain. In 1845 her health became impaired, and she went with her husband to the Isle of France and re-embarked there for the United States, but died and was buried in the island of St. Helena. In connection with her missionary labors, she translated a portion of “Pilgrim's Prog-