Page:Appletons' Cyclopædia of American Biography (1892, volume 3).djvu/72

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N. Y., 16 Feb., 1760; d. in Plainfield, Mass., 17 July, 1837, after serving several months in the war of the Revolution and working on his father's farm, was graduated at Yale in 1788. He then studied theology, and was licensed to preach in August, 1790. In 1792 he was ordained pastor of the church in Plainfield, where he always remained. Finding his salary inadequate, he received students into his family, continuing to do so until 1824. (See illustration, page 51.) He had under his charge at various times 274 young men and 30 young women. Of the former, fifty became clergymen. One of his pupils was the poet Bryant, another was John Brown, of Osawatomie. See his life, by his son William (New York, 1854).— William Allen, edi- tor, son of Moses, b. in Plainfield, Hampshire co., Mass., 2 June, 1794; d. in New York city, 2 Oct., 1880, was graduated at Williams in 1819, and at Andover theological seminary in 1822. During the latter year he became the agent of the New England tract society, and in 1825, when the lat- ter was merged into the American tract society, he was made the corresponding secretary of the new organization. He filled this office until 1870, when he retired from its active duties. During this period he carefully examined every manu- script, tract, and book offered for publication, and revised for the press such as were accepted. He also edited " The American Messenger for forty years, and " The Child's Paper " for twenty- five years. He received the degree of D. D. from Rutgers in 1850. Dr. Hallock wrote lives of Harlan Page (1835), Rev. Moses Hallock (1854), and Rev. Justin Edwards (1855). The first named attained to a circulation of 113,500 copies, and was translated into Swedish and German. He was also the author of several tracts, among them " The Mother's Last Prayer " (circulation, 380,000) ; " The Only Son" (370,000); and "The Mountain Miller" (260,000). These, with his books, were all pub- lished by the Tract society. See "Memorial of Rev. William A. Hallock, D. D.," by Mrs. H. C. Knight (New York, 1882).— Mary Angeline (La- throp), author, second wife of William Allen, b. in Rowe, Franklin co., Mass., 18 June, 1810, was married to Dr. Hallock in 1868. She had been Sreviously the wife of a Mr. Lathrop, and on the eath of her first husband, in 1854, began to write as a means of support for her children. She pub- lished "That Sweet Story of Old" (New York, 1856); "Bethlehem and her Children" (1858); " Life of the Apostle Paul " (1860) ; " Life of Solo- mon" (1868); "Fall of Jerusalem" (1869); and " Life of Daniel " and " Beasts and Birds " (1870). — Gerard, journalist, another son of Moses, b. in Plainfield, Mass., 18 March, 1800; d. in New Ha- ven, Conn., 4 Jan., 1866, was graduated at Will- iams in 1819, and began his connection with the press in 1824 by the establishment of the " Boston Telegraph," a weekly, which the year following was merged into the " Boston Recorder." In 1827 he became part owner of the " New York Observer," and in 1828 was associated with David Hale in the publication of the "Journal of Commerce." In 1828 the partners fitted out a schooner to cruise off Sandy Hook and intercept European vessels, and in 1833 they ran an express from Philadel- phia to New York, with eight relays of horses, and thus were enabled to publish the proceedings of congress a day in advance of their contemporaries. When other journals imitated their enterprise, they extended their relays to Washington. This system of news collection resulted in the establish- ment of the celebrated Halifax express. Mr. Hal- lock was an unflinching supporter of a national pro-slavery policy, yet he was generous in his treat- ment of individual slaves who made appeals to his charity. He purchased and liberated not less than one hundred of these, and pro- vided for their transportation to Liberia. He con- tributed largely to the support of the religious denom- ination to which he belonged, and spent about $119,- 000 in the erection and maintenance for fourteen years of a church in New Haven. He was a founder of the Southern aid soci- ety, designed to take the place of the American home

missionary society

in the south, when the latter withdrew its support from slave-holding churches. Mr. Hallock was a thorough classical scholar, and early in life gave lessons in Hebrew to clergymen. In August, 1861, the " Journal of Commerce," with four other pa- pers, was presented by the grand jury of the U. S. circuit court for " encouraging rebels now in arms against the Federal government, by expressing sympathy and agreement with them, the duty of acceding to their demands, and dissatisfaction with the employment of force to overcome them." This was followed by the promulgation of an order from the post-office department at Wash- ington forbidding the use of the mails by the in- dicted papers. These measures resulted in the re- tirement of Mr. Hallock from journalism. He sold his interest in his paper, and thenceforth re- frained from contributing a line to the public press. This abrupt change of all his habits of life, action, and thought brought with it the seeds of disease, and he only survived the loss of his cherished occupation a little more than four years. See " Life of Gerard Hallock " (New York, 1869).

HALLOWELL, Richard Price, merchant, b. in Philadelphia, Pa., 16 Dec, 1835. He studied for two years at Haverford college, in 1859 re- moved to West Medford, Mass., and during the same year began business in Boston as a wool-mer- chant. He was identified with the abolition move- ment led by Wendell Phillips and William Lloyd Garrison, and during the civil war was made a special agent by Gov. John A. Andrew, of Massa- chusetts, to recruit for the negro regiments. Mr. Hallowell is treasurer of the Free religious associa- tion, and vice-president of the New England woman suffrage association. He has contributed many articles to the " Index," and has published " The Quaker Invasion of Massachusetts (Boston, 1883) and " The Pioneer Quakers " (1887).— His brother, Edward Needles, soldier, b. in Philadelphia, Pa., 3 Nov., 1837 ; d. at West Medford, Mass., 26 July, 1871, became aide-de-camp to Gen. John C. Fre- mont soon after the beginning of the civil war, and in January, 1862, was made 2d lieutenant in the 20th Massachusetts volunteers. He was engaged in the principal battles of the peninsular campaign, and at Antietam served on the staff of Gen. Ka- poleon J. T. Dana. In March, 1863, he was made captain in the 54th (colored) Massachusetts volun- teers, major in April, and lieutenant-colonel in