and in 1866 was appointed one of the three commissioners to revise and codify the laws of congress. In 1868 he was sent to Bogotá to arrange a diplomatic difficulty. In 1872 he was one of the counsel for the United States at the Geneva conference for the settlement of the Alabama claims, and in 1873 was nominated for the office of chief justice of the United States; but the nomination was subsequently withdrawn. A year later he was nominated and confirmed as minister to Spain, whence he returned home in 1877. His publications include a “History of the Town of Newburyport” (1826); “The Practical Principles of Political Economy” (1826); “Historical and Political Review of the Late Revolution in France” (2 vols., Boston, 1833); “Reminiscences of Spain” (2 vols., Boston, 1833); “Growth and Territorial Progress of the United States” (1839); “Life of William H. Harrison” (Boston, 1840); and “The Treaty of Washington” (New York, 1873).
CUSHING, Frank Hamilton, ethnologist, b.
in Northeast, Erie co.. Pa., 22 July, 1857. He
manifested in early childhood a love for archjeolog-
ical pursuits, and at the age of eight years began
to collect fossils and minerals, made a complete
Indian costume, and lived in a bark hut in the
woods. He learned from observation that wherever
Indian encampments had been long established the
soil and vegetation had undergone a change, which
materially assisted him in his search for relics. At
the age of fifteen he had discovered the process of
making arrow-heads from flint by pressure with
bone. In 1870 his father removed to Medina, N. Y., where the son's researches found new ground and a greater wealth of material. In the town of Shelby were ancient remains of fortifications rich
in relics, and they, with ancient fortifications,
burial-grounds, and camp sites in the counties of
Madison and Onondaga, were carefully searched, as
well as the Hamilton group of rocks. In the spring
of 1875 he became a student in Gornell university,
but spent most of his time as assistant to Dr. Gharles
Rau in the preparation of the Indian collections of
the National museum for the Gentennial exposition
at Philadelphia, and was curator of the entire col-
lection until the close of the exhibition, when he
was appointed curator of the ethnological depart-
ment of the National museum. During the sum-
mer of 1876 he gained his first knowledge of the
Pueblo Indians, and joined Maj. J. W. Powell in
his expedition of 1879 to New Mexico, as assist-
ant ethnologist of the U. S. bureau of ethnology,
of the Smithsonian institution. The expedition
spent two months among the Zuiii Indians, and
Mr. Gushing, at his own request, was left there.
He adopted the costume, habits, and life of the
race, and for three years lived strictly the life of
an Indian among the Indians, studying their hab-
its, language, and history. During the second year
of his sojourn he had so far made himself one of
the tribe, and gained the esteem of the chiefs, that
he was formally adopted and initiated into the
sacred esoteric society of priests, the " Priesthood
of the Bow." In 1883 he visited the east with a
party of six Zuhis, who came for the purpose of
taking water from the Atlantic ocean, or " Ocean
of Sunrise," as a religious ceremony, and carrying
it to their temple in the Pueblos. Four of the
Zunis returned, while Mr. Gushing remained with
the other two during the summer in Washington,
for the purpose of writing, with their aid, his con-
tribution to the bureau of ethnology on Zuili
fetiches. In September of the same year he re-
turned to Zuni; but, in the spring of 1884, failing
health obliged his return for two years to the east.
He brought with him three Indians to aid him in
the preparation of a dictionary and grammar of
the Zuni language, and translations of myth and
beast stories, hero legends, songs, and rituals. Mr.
Gushing's publications and contributions to peri-
odical literature include " Antiquities of Orleans
Gounty" (Washington, 1874); "Zuni Fetiches"
(1881) ; "The Relationship between Zuni Sociologic
and Mythic Svstems " (1883); "The Nation of the
Willows " (1883) ; " Adventures in Zuni " (1883) ;
" Studies of Ancient Pueblo Keramic Art, as Illus-
trative of Zuiii Gulture-Growth " (1884) ; and " Zuiii
Breadstuff" (1885).
CUSHING, Jonathan Peter, educator, b. in
Rochester, N. II., 13 March, 1793 ; d. in Raleigh,
N. G., 35 April, 1835. In his boyhood he was ap-
prenticed ; but. by skilfully managing the proceeds
of his overwork, he purchased a portion of his
time, and immediately entered Phillips Exeter
academy. By working a portion of each day and
by teaching, he paid his way thi'ough college, being
graduated at Dartmouth in 1817. His health
failed, and he went south, became a tutor in
Hampden Sydney college in the November follow-
ing his graduation, and professor of chemistry and
natural philosophy two years later. This chair he
held for two years, when he became the president
of the college. By his exertions, the institution,
which had been sadly disorganized and broken
down, was built up again ; but the labor and re-
sponsibility of the enterprise exhausted his strength
and hastened his death.
CUSHING, Luther Stearns, jurist, b. in Lu-
nenburg, Mass., 33 June, 1808 ; d. in Boston, 33
June, 1856. He was the only graduate at the Har-
vard law-school in 1836. For some years after
leaving college he was associated with Gharles
Sumner and George S. Hillard in the editorship of
"The American Jurist and Law Magazine" in
Boston, when in 1833 he was made clerk of the
house of representatives, an office which he held
for fourteen years. In 1844 he was chosen a mem-
ber of the legislature, then for four years was
judge of the court of common pleas in Boston,
after which he became reporter of the decisions of
the supreme court of the commonwealth, and pre-
pared twelve volumes (55 to 66 inclusive) of law
reports, extending from 1850 to the time of his
death. In 1848 he became lecturer on Roman law
in Harvard law-school, and filled the chair until
his death. His name is best known in connection
with his " Manual of Parliamentary Practice "
(Boston, 1844), which immediately became an au-
thority for proceedings in deliberative assemblies.
He also published a " Treatise on Trustee Process "
(1837) ; " Treatise on Remedial Law " (1887) ; Eng-
lish translation of Savigny's " Recht des Besitzes,"
law of possession (1838) ; translation of Pothier's
" De la vente." contract of sale (1839); translation
of Mattermaier on "Effect of Drunkenness on
Griminal Responsibility" (1841); translation of
Domat's " Les lois civiles dans leur ordre natu-
re!" (1850); "Reports of Gontroverted Election
Gases in Massachusetts " (1853) ; " Introduction to
the Study of Roman Givil Law " (1854) ; and "Lex
Parliamentaria Americana." a comprehensive work
on parliamentary law (1856).
CUSHING, Nathaniel, soldier, b. in Pembroke, Mass., 8 April, 1753 ; d. in Marietta, Ohio, in August, 1814. He joined the forces that went from Massachusetts in 1775, became a lieutenant in Brewer's regiment in July of that year, was advanced to a captaincy in 1777, organized a surprise, and captured forty of the De Lancey loyalists in May, 1780, after many fruitless attempts