and meritorious services in the field on 1 Aug., 13464. and major-general. l'. S. army. on 13 March. 1865. From 10 Dec.. 1867). till 15 April. 1H71. he was on special duty in the secretary of wars otfice and in charge of the inspection bureau. and in mutt—'71 was inspector of the I'. S. military acad- emy. was on a tour of inspection in Texas. New Mexico. and Kansas. and of the recruiting service in IRE—'3. prepared reports in \Yashington. l). I'.. particularly upon the affairs of the Frecdmen's bureau in 1873. was on duty in the war depart- ment in 1873-13. and was made inspector of the division of the Pacific on ‘39 May. lh‘76. From 16 Nov. to 15 Dec., 1877. he was a member of the re- tiring board in San Francisco. and of the board to examine the case of Dr. \Villialn A. Hammond (I . l‘.l. I'. 5'. arlnv. Ile was retired in January. 1881.
SCHROEDER. John Frederick. clergyman,
I). in Baltimore. Md.. N April. 181)": d. in Brook-
lyn. N. Y.. 26 Feb.. 1857. After graduation at
Princeton with the highest honor in 1519. he
studied lchreW. entered the general theological
seminary of the Episcopal church. then in New
Haven. Cullfl“ and was admitted to holy orders in
Baltimore in 1823. III- was an assistant minister
at Trinity church. New York city. from 1H2~I till
1833-1. when he travelled in Europe. ()n his return
in 1839 he resigned his Charge at Trinity church,
and established in Flushing. L. 1.. a school for
girls. which he. called St. Ann's hall. and which he
removed to New York in 1546. when he was made
rector of the Church of the (‘ruc-ifixion. and to
Brooklyn. when he was called to St. 'I‘homas's
church in 1852. which charge he resigned shortly
before his death. He delivered many lectures. was
a member of the New England historic genealogical
society. active. in public charities. and rendered I
much service during the cholera epidemics of
1832—11. Princeton and Yale gave him the degree
of A. M. in 1823 and \Yashiugton (now Trimty)l
college that of S. T. D. in 1836. He editeda vol-
mne of original essays and dissertations on biblical
literature by a society of clergymcn. to which he l
contributell treatises translated from the German. |
on " The Authenticity and Canonical Authority of
the Scriptures of the Old Testament " and thel
“ Use of the Syriac Language." Dr. Schroeder
published a "Discourse before the New York His- I
tnrical Society " (New York. 18%); " A Useful Chart
of the Diocese of New York from 1830 to 1850";
“Memoir. of Mrs. Mary Anna Boardlnan" (New
Haven. 1H49): and “ Maxims of \Yashington "
(New York. 1355): and several other books. IltI
left unfinished " The Life and Times of Washing- |
ton." which was completed by others ( INST—'61).
SCHUETTE. Conrad Herman Louis. clergyman. b. in Yarrel. Hanover. Germany. 17 June.
1-343. He was graduated at Capitol university.
Columbus. Ohio. in 1863. and at the theological
department in 1865. and was ordained to the minis-
try in the latter year. He was pastor at Delaware,
Ohio. in 18155472. had been professor of mathe-
matics and natural science in (‘apitol university
since 1872. and since 1551 also professor of ethics.
symbolics. and homiletics in the theological depart-
ment. He is a frequent Contributor to the religious
press. has been editor-in-chief of the "Columbus
Theological Magazine " since 15H“. and has pub-
lished “ The L'hurch Member's Manual " (I'olum-
bus. 1970). and “ The State. the t‘hureh. and the '
School "' (1883).
SCHULTZ. John Christian. Canadian senator.
b. in Amherstburg. Hut.. 1 Jan.. 1340: d. in “'iu-
llipeg. 13 April. 13965. I[-- was educated at Hberlin. ‘
in medicineat Queen's university. and Victoria university. Cobourg. and was graduated as a physician
in 1860. The same year he went to the northwest
and practised his profession at Fort Garry (now
Winnipeg). He also engaged in the fur-trade.
wrote for the " Nor‘wester.“ and studied the
fauna. fiora. soil. and climate of the country. Dr.
Schultz was leader of the (‘anadian party at the
time of the first Riel rebellion in moo—‘70. and was
captured. imprisoned. and sentenced to death by
Louis Riel. After suffering great hardships he
escaped and reached Duluth. Minn.. whence he
made his way to Canada. He was appointed a
member of the Northwest council in December.
1872. was elected to the Dominion parliament in
March. 1H7]. for Lisgar. Manitoba. and represented
that constituency till the general election of 1352.
when he was defeated. Ilc became a member of
the Canadian senate. 2‘3 Sept. 1882. Dr. Schultz
was a member of the Dominion board of health for
Manitoba and the Northwest territories. was presi-
dent of the Northwest trading company. and a
director of the Manitoba Southwestern Coloniza-
tion railway. lie was actively engaged in organ-
izing these enterprises. and also the Great north-
western telegraph company. I Ie was lieutenant-
govc-rnor of Manitoba. and was knighted in 1595.
SCHUREMAN. James. patriot. h. in New Jer-
sey in 17-37: (I. in New Brunswick. N. J.. 23 Jan..
lH'l-I. After graduation at Queen's (now Rutgers)
college in 1775. he served in the Revolutionary
army as captain of a volunteer company. partici-
pated in the battle of Long Island. and during the
war was captured and imprisoned in the New York
sugar-house. where he suffered many hardships.
\Yith asiugle companion he escaped and joined
the American army at Morristown. N. J. 119 was
a delegate to the Continental Congress from New
Jersey in 1786—‘7. and was elected to the. 1st con-
gress as a Federalist. serving from 4 March. 1759.
till 3 March. 1791. and again to the 5th congress.
serving from 15 May. 1797. till 3 March. 1719!). He
was then chosen L'. S. senator in place of John
Rutherford. serving from 3 Dec.. 1799. till 6 Feb"
lHtll. whcn he resigned. Subsequently he became.
mayor of the city of New iruuswick. and was
again elected to Congress, serving from 24 May.
1H13. till ‘2 March. 1H15.
SCHURMAN. Jacob Gould. Canadian edu-
cator. b. ill F reetown. Prince Edward island. 2‘3
May. 1854. He \you the Gilchrist Dominion
scholarship in 1377). and was graduated in London
university in 1877. He was professor of philosophy
and English literature in Acadia college, Nova
Scotia. in WHO—‘2. and in Dalhousie college. Hali-
fax. in 1882—15. was elected honorary life overnor
of I'niversity college. London. in 1884. and in lNh‘ti
professor of phiIOSophy at Cornell university. be-
coming its president in 1892. He has published
several pamphlets. also “Kantian Ethics and the
Ethics of Evolution " (London. IRHI); “ ’I‘he Eth-
ical Import of Darwinism " (New York. 11587): " A
People's University." the founder's day address
(Ithaca. 1885); “ Belief in God " (1N90); and “ Ag-
nosticism and Religion " (IH‘JG).
SCHURZ, Carl, statesman, b. in Liblar, near Cologne, Prussia, 2 March, 1829. After studying at the gymnasium of Cologne, he entered the University of Bonn in 1846. At the beginning of the revolution of 1848 he joined Gottfried Kinkel, professor of rhetoric in the university, in the publication of a liberal newspaper, of which he was at one time the sole conductor. In the spring of 1849, in consequence of an attempt to promote an insurrection at Bonn, he fled with Kinkel to the Palatinate, entered the revolutionary army as ad-