and Philosophical Essays " (1819) : " Elements of Natural Philosophy " (1826) : and " A New Theory of the Earth " (1826).
SHEDD. Joel Herbert, civil engineer, b. in
Pepperell, Mass., 31 May, 1834. He was educated
in Bridgewater academy, and then took a three-
years' course in civil engineering in a Boston office.
On the completion of his studies he established him-
self in his profession in Boston, but in 1869 removed
to Providence, R. I., where he has since resided.
In isiid lie was appointed commissioner for Massa-
chusetts on the Concord and Sudbury rivers, and
he has been chairman of the state board nf harbor
commissioners of Rhode Island since its organiza-
tion in 1870. He was commissioner from Rhode
Island to the World's fair in Paris in 1878, and
chairman of the Rhode Island body of the inter-
state commission on boundary-lines between that
state and Connecticut in 1886-'7 ; and was also at
the head of the similar commission on the eneioaeli-
ments of Pawtucket river in 1887-'8. Mr. Shedd
was elected a member of the American society of
civil engineers in 1869, and was chairman of its
sub-committee on sewerage and -auitary enginecr-
inu ,-i t the World's fairin Philadelphia in 187(i. I l>-
ha- executed many engineering works in the cities
of the New England and the middle stale-:. -i well
as for the U. S. government and the states of Mas-
sachusetts and Rhode Island. The most important
single work of engineering that he has designed and
executed is the Providence water-work*, eo-nnu"
$4,500,000. Every element of these works was
studied fundamentally, and nothing was copied.
They have been much referred to. and have a Euro-
pean reputation. Mr. Shedd has probably done more
to improve the quality of American hydraulic ce-
ments than any other engineer, both by the rigidity
of his demands and by his careful te.-t ing of the ma-
terial. He has been frequently called on to testify on
engineering matters in court.and he has contributed
largely to professional journals. Among his articles
an- 1 lie section on " Rain and Drainage " in French's
"Farm Drainage" (New York, 1859); "Essay on
Drainage" (Boston, 1859); and ivpnrts on " Venti-
lation" (1864); "Roads" (1865): Water- Works"
(1868-9) ; and " Sewerage " (1874-'84). The latter
include reports to nearly all of the principal cities
of New England. His wife. Julia Ann Clark, b.
in Newport, Me., 8 Aug., 1834, has contributed on
art to various periodicals, and, besides translations
in book-form, has published " Famous Painters
and Paintings" (Boston, 1874); "The Ghiberti
Gates" (1879); "Famous Sculptors and Sculp-
tuiv" (1881); and "Raphael, his Madonnas and
Holy Families "(1883).
SHEDD, William Greenough Thayer, author, b. in Acton, Mass., 21 June, 1820; d. in New York city, 17 Nov., 1894. He was graduated at the University of Vermont and at Auburn seminary, and
in 1844 was ordained pastor of the Congregational
church in Brandon, Vt. He became professor of
English literature in the University of Vermont
in 1845, which chair he held till appointed to that
of sacred rhetoric in Auburn theological seminary
in 1852. In 1854 he was made professor of church
history in Andover theological seminary. In 1862
he became associate pastor of the Brick church
(Presbyterian) in New- York city, but lie resigned
in 1863, and was appointed to the profe--orship of
biblical literature in Union theological seminary,
and iu 1874 to that of systematic theology in the
same institution, which he held until 1890. He
had published "Eloquence a Virtue, or Outlines
of Systematic Rhetoric; from the (iermanof Dr.
Francis Theremin " (New York, 1850) ; " Coleridge's
Works, with Introductory Essays" (7 vols., 1853) -
"Lectures on the Philosophy of History" (An-
dover, 1856); "Discourses and "Essays" (1856); "A
Manual of Church History," from the German of
Heinrich Ernst Ferdinand Guericke (2
vols., 1857) : "The Confession of Augus-
tine," with introductory essay (1860) ; " A
History of Christian Doctrine " (2 vols..
New York. IMI:;, : Ilomileticsand Pa--
toral Theology " *ii7t: "Sermons to
the Natural Man " (isili: "Theological
Essays "(1877) ^'Literary Essays "(1878);
"Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the
Romans * (1879) : "Sermons to the Spir-
itual Man" (iss-ti : and "Doctrine of Endless Pun-
ishment " (1885). Dr. Shedd wrote the " Gospel of
Mark" in vol. ii. of the translation of Liinge's
commentary: and contributed an introduction to
Samuel R. Asbury's translation of Dr. Carl Acker-
man's work, " The Christian Element in Plato and
the Platonic Philosophy" (Edinburgh, 18GO), and
to the American edition of Dr. James MeCosh's
" Intuitions of the Mind" (New York, 1865).
SHEELEIGH, .Matthias, clergyman, b. at Charlestown, Chester co., Pa., 29 Dec., 1821. He is a descendant of a German family that came to this country early in the 18th century, and whose name originally was Schillich. He studied in West Chester, Pa., and in Pennsylvania college, Gettysburg, in 1840-'!, and was graduated at the theological seminary there in 1852. In the same year he was ordained to the ministry of the Lutheran church, and in 1885 he received the degree of D. D. from Newberry college, Newberry, S. C. He has filled various pastorates in New York, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey, and since 1869 has been at Fort Washington, Pa., near Philadelphia. He was secretary of the general synod in 1866, 1868, and 1871. has been a member of the Lutheran board of publication since 1859, and its president in 1869-'71, and a director of Gettysburg theological seminary since 1864. In 1868 he was appointed by the general synod one of its delegates to the meeting of the World's evangelical alliance that was held in New York in 1873. He has won reputation as a poet and statistician, and is a frequent contributor to religious periodicals. He has been editor of the "Sunday-School Herald." in Philadelphia, since 1860, and of the " Lutheran Almanac and Year-Book " since 1871. Besides numerous doctrinal and historical articles in theological reviews, and many contributions in poetry and pro-e to periodicals, he has published " Hymns for the Seventh Jubilee of the Reformation" (Philadelphia, 1867): "An : A Jubilee Poem before the General Synod" (1871): "A (b-ttysburgiad: A Jubilee Poem before the Gettysburg Theological Seminary" (187lli: and "Luther: A Song Tribute, more than Fifty Original Poems. on the 400th Animersary of Luther's P.irlh " (1883). A large number of his hymns have found a place in collections. He has a volume of original sonnets nearly ready for publication. Besides these, he has published "Olaf Thorlaksson. an Icelandic Narrative," translated from the German (1870);