Page:Arabian Nights (Sterrett).djvu/201

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viziers and ministers of state then retired, as also did all those whose business had called them thither.

Aladdin’s mother, seeing the sultan and all the people depart, judged rightly that he would not sit again that day, and resolved to go home; and on her arrival said, with much simplicity, “Son, I have seen the sultan, and am very well persuaded he has seen me, too, for I placed myself just before him; but he was so much taken up with those who attended on all sides of him that I pitied him, and wondered at his patience. At last I believe he was heartily tired, for he rose up suddenly, and would not hear a great many who were prepared to speak to him, but went away, at which I was well pleased, for indeed I began to lose all patience, and was extremely fatigued with staying so long. But there is no harm done; I will go again to-morrow; perhaps the sultan may not be so busy.”

The next morning she repaired to the sultan’s palace with the present, as early as the day before; but when she came there, she found the gates of the divan shut, it being held only on alternate days. She went six times afterward on the days appointed, placing herself always directly before the sultan, but with as little success as the first morning.

On the sixth divan, however, after the sultan returned to his own apartment he said to his grand vizier: “I have for some time observed a certain woman, who attends constantly