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Ord. No. 17 of 2010

(2) If—

(a) a provision of this Ordinance refers to the fact that the parties have agreed, or in any other way refers to an agreement of the parties, the agreement includes any arbitration rules referred to in that agreement; or
(b) a provision of this Ordinance provides that the parties may agree, the agreement, if any, may include any arbitration rules by referring to those rules in that agreement.

(3) If—

(a) a provision of this Ordinance (other than sections 53 and 68) refers to a claim, that provision also applies to a counter-claim; or
(b) a provision of this Ordinance (other than section 53) refers to a defence, that provision also applies to a defence to a counterclaim.

(4) A note located in the text of this Ordinance, a section heading of any provision of this Ordinance or a heading of any provision of the UNCITRAL Model Law is for reference only and has no legislative effect.

(5) If the Chinese equivalent of an English expression used in any provision of this Ordinance is different from the Chinese equivalent of the same English expression used in any provision of the UNCITRAL Model Law, those Chinese equivalents are to be treated as being identical in effect.

3. Object and principles of this Ordinance

(1) The object of this Ordinance is to facilitate the fair and speedy resolution of disputes by arbitration without unnecessary expense.

(2) This Ordinance is based on the principles—

(a) that, subject to the observance of the safeguards that are necessary in the public interest, the parties to a dispute should be free to agree on how the dispute should be resolved; and
(b) that the court should interfere in the arbitration of a dispute only as expressly provided for in this Ordinance.

4. UNCITRAL Model Law to have force of law in Hong Kong

The provisions of the UNCITRAL Model Law that are expressly stated in this Ordinance as having effect have the force of law in Hong Kong subject to the modifications and supplements as expressly provided for in this Ordinance.