Page:Arcana Coelestia - Volume I.djvu/19

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the present day seldom exists without temptation, misfortune, or sorrow, by which the things appertaining to the body and the world, that is, such as form the proprium or self-hood of man, are brought into a state of quiescence, and, as it were, of death. Thus the things which belong to the external man are separated from those belonging to the internal. In the internal man are the remains, stored up by the Lord till this time, and for this purpose.

9. The third state is that of repentance, in which the regenerating subject, from the internal man begins to discourse piously and devoutly, and to do good actions, like works of charity, but which nevertheless are inanimate, because they are supposed to originate in himself. These good actions are called tender grass, and also the herb yielding seed, and afterwards the tree bearing fruit.

10. The fourth state is when man becomes affected with love, and illuminated by faith. He indeed previously discoursed piously, and produced the fruit of good actions; but he did so in consequence of the temptation and straightness under which he labored, and not from a principle of faith and charity: wherefore faith and charity are now enkindled in his internal man, and are called two luminaries.

11. The fifth state is when man discourses from a principle of faith, and thereby confirms himself in truth and goodness: the things then produced by him are animated, and are called the fish of the sea, and the birds of the heavens.

12. The sixth state is when, from a principle of faith, and thence of love, he speaks what is true, and does what is good; the things which he then produces are called the living soul and the wild beast. And because he then begins also to act from a principle of love, as well as of faith, he becomes a spiritual man, and is called an image. His spiritual life is delighted and sustained by such things as relate to knowledges respecting faith, and to works of charity, which are called his meat; and his natural life is delighted and sustained by such things as belong to the body and the senses; from whence a combat or struggle arises, until love gains the dominion, and he becomes a celestial man.

13. Those who are regenerated do not all arrive at this state. The greatest part, at this day, only attain to the first state: some only to the second; others to the third, fourth, and fifth; few to the sixth; and scarcely any one to the seventh.


14. IN the following work, by the LORD, is solely meant Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world, who is called the Lord, without