No. I. COMPARATIVE VOCABULARY OF FIFTY-THREE NATIONS. Names of Tribes. God. Wicked Spirit. 1. 1 Eskimaux, (Hu. Bay,) 2 Do. (NW. Coast Am.) 3 Do. (Tshuktchi, Asia, aghatt E. shore) karmok, k. n. 4 Kinai, nakchtultane in. 5 Tacullies, 6 Cheppeyans, iv. 7 Knistinaux, kitchemonetoo 8 Chippeways, ketche manito matche manito 9 Ottawas, kitche manito 10 Old Algonkin, kitchi manitoo matchi manitoo 11 Sheshatapoosh, (Lab.) shayshoursh machemantouee 12 Micmacs, kijoulk, {Creator) ; niixham manecton, b. 13 Etchemins, (Passam.) saisos 14 Abenakies, ketsinisesk* matsini»etk« ]5 Massachusetts, manit mattanuit 16 Narraganset, manitoo 17 Mohicans, paulaumomvolh, n. mtandou, mannito, e. 18 Montaugs, (Long Isl.) manto ; massaket machees cund, w. mund, (a great God) mattateashet 19 Delawares, kitshe manitto matshi manitto 20 Nanticokes, mannitt matt anntote 21 Miamis, kitchi manetwa, v. matchi manitoo, v. 22 Illinois, kisseh nianetou matcimanetou 23 Shawnoes, wishemenetou, j. matchemenetoo, j. 24 Saukies, tepenenienok matchemanetoo 25 Menotnenies, v. 20 Wyandots, tamaindezue deghshurenoh, oky 27 Mohawks, lawaneeuj p. oonoosooloohnoo, d. 28 Onon dagoes, nioh, otcon 29 Senecas, awaneeu, p. 30 Oneidas, neeyooh 31 Tuscaroras, yaiwuhneeyou 32 N otto ways, quakerhunte otkum vi. 33 Winnebagoes, rnahahnah, b. 34 Dahcotahs, wahkhoutunghah wahkansheecha, l. 35 Yanktons, wacatunca waconsheecheh 30 Quappas, wakautakeh issahonwakkahheh 37 Osages, wakondah 38 Ottoes, wahcondah wahcondahpishcona 39 Omaha's, wahconda ishteeneekee 40 Mine tares, manhopa vn. 41 ( 'atawbas, chop well yahwerejeh ! viii. 42 Cherokees, oonalahnunghe, b. askina 1 ix. 43 Choctas, hvshUihli, w. 44 Chicasas, x. 45 Muskhogee hihsagita (Ircath) ; hiniise (master) xi. 40 Utchees, kauhwu hoo, g. I xn. 47 Natches, aleksandiste tza xm. 4S Adaize, xiv. 49 Chetimachas, xv. 50 Attacapas, xvi. 51 Caddoes, ehnehko iv ii. 52 Pawnees, thou w ahot tsaheekshkakoohra.i- wah bin. 53 Saiisli, anlahreu y au jeh
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