316 A SYNOPSIS OF THE INDIAN TRIBES. Be ird. Neck. Arm. 1. 1 ooraitkee tokelaoga teiyakanak a ooinich ; oongai, c. koomootsia tadleek ; dallek, c. 3 taniljutunuiii tanutschuk n. 4 skona III. 5 6 iv. 7 michitoune, H. mequiyou, h.; oquiow, mispetoon, H.J onisk, at. onik, s. 8 niizliidonagou, s. Ma 9 nichitonagan an 10 misshitou 11 sheptton 12 untelmohou, b. L3 telmagan 14 miUar nedabskak«e, (my) pedin i:> wishittoo missitteipeg, c. muhpit 10 sitchipuok wuppittene 17 wichtoneijin, he. lennemaganegau,scH.; cannaghk, t. j. 18 keesquish, w. coputte 19 wattoney whiliangan 20 neeweeghtouiwaah nickpetq 21 musselitoningeh, t. kwaikaneh, t. 28 ninihkeck 2:5 nitania, s. b. 24 inesetonakanan nekwakaneh naponenek 25 oanay . 26 ochquieroot, s. b. ohoura, h. 27 sunyarlahgheh, d. oonunsha, p. 28 onusgera, oquntwes oniara 29 okunstweah, d. oonyauau, d. canunsha, p. 30 ohcustuahla, t. j. oniahla, t. j. onantsa, t. j. 31 osuhkareh, s. b. onuntcheh 32 steereke ohnunchahk, w. d. vi. 33 ahhah, b. 34 pootaihi, k. tahoo, k. ishto, c. 35 pooteehee tahoo isto 30 aa 37 tahu haugh 38 eehee tashai aoratchee 39 eehee pahee ah j 40 apoontee apeeh arrough vn. 41 esomoesa edut eeksuh vin. 42 ahhahnoolunglmnge, (his), b. ahgelega, b. kuhnohga ix. 43 notukfish, (hair of the jaw), c. ikunla shukba, (his) 44 nootokhish, s. nootostup, s. shukbah, G. x. 45 chokewiissuy, c. innokewau, (his), c. sakpa xi. 40 sitanthee, d. xii. 47 ish xiii. 4-5 tosocat hautoleat walcat l. Hi ' chattie kaiho unache xv. 50 osh coinac nok xvi. 51 chumeeceto dunatsehaugh dumishaugh xmi. 52 raroosh tshusheeree heeeeru xvm. 5:5
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