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VOCABULARIES. 329 Spring. openra pochlachta, k. meoskumick, h. seegwun, s. ; sikwan, K. minokanu (?) sheequan chig«ek sig»an sequan, c. sequan thequan, h. siquon melokaamik, t. morouckameugh (?) melukami, t. j. menokomooh (?) shee-eekwah honeraquey, h. kungkweeteh, d. tioganhouti ungguitikneh. d. conkwataitsi, t. j. shantaroswache wayayaytoo, c. paton yahrunkquechuh go. gaye, b. tofahpi, c. kulleh (?), s. tasachuy, c. amekone hoasang hiotiche natesepo tempst wanitteh Summer. Autumn. owyak kniga, kegmi oleolta tacata. nepin, h. tuckwagin, h. neebin, s. ; nipin, k. tahgagi, 8.; tagowag,K. nipin tagwag merockanunk, l. neepun taughquahachen nipk togoak nipene tag«ang ff nepun ninnauwaet, c. neepun, quaqusquan taquonck nepoon, h. tquauquuh, H. nipen tachquoacu mashaquapau-u nipeenueh, t. takuokekeh, t. nissinough tegnaghegh nepeneh, s. b. tachquoagi, T. J. neepenweh tawahkee neeaypeenay way wah tuikoaw.aukoawaywau houeinhet, houein- anandae, h. he, ir. kunliayneh, d. kunnunnaugliayneh, D. gagenhe gana^nager kahayneh, n. gankneh, n. kauwaukunheakkee caananaght, t. j. genheke basheke mendokay ay too, c. ptyayytoo, c. minto caitoo togaton ton d ah tokai noogah mapusagus yahruh yup-hasoliuh kohkee oolahgohoste, b. tomepalle hushtolape tomepulleh, s. hustillomona, s. mi ski hloffoaguy, c. waitee, g. ameliika weetsuck hustalneetsuck hiotiche hipchepata allin tsampska hishineh nibba leeat saunlakh VOL. 42