xxvi, (61.) Friendly Village of Salmon River, Pacific Ocean.
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Salmon zitnilk Stone dichts Another fish dilly Fire neach llau of the sop nas Water ulkan head Mat gits com .1 a kietia Thread shiggimia Ejfts clougus Chest,ov, box till kewan Ttcth it /.as Cedar bark llilogatt JVfclM maacza Beads achimoul hag icbyeh Bonnet ileaiette J land shousshey Clam shell couny Dog watts Dish of ber- nochasky H<>u*c zlaachle ries §<• sal- Bark mat zimner mon roes robe What ? caiffre Lit over, or, couloun Otter robe xxiv. (59.) Straits of Fuca. Water ihaac Bird vcutap There alU Mast claquesum Shy taciuhamach Sun set vpat daquia Conch shell guinda Sail glisapie Rope zumocuanelo To prick zujucitle To cut licitle Sun daquia Stars Uuisac Plains sisabache Smoke lacuec Arable guisimut Tongue taquisamach ground To iceep clejacle North tuishi Moon ilajuashashitle North-east cuasini Mountains govachas West balegsti To sicim sunshuc To hear dados J do not un- ayamas The ear pipi derstand Eagle sanyuk xxm. (58.) Atnah, or Chin Indians. Eye thloustin Elk ookoy-beh Hair cahowdin. Dog scacah Teeth chliough Ground hog squaisquais Nose pisax Iron soucouraang Head scapacay Fire teuck Wood shedzay Water shaweliquoih Hand calietha Stone ishehoinah Leg squacht B020 isquoinah Tongue dewlias jisk Jlrroio squailai Ear ithlinah Yes amaig Man scuyloch Plains spilela Woman smosledgensk Come here thlaelyeh Beaver schugh xxn. (57.) Shoshonees. Good saut To love komnuch Bad kayteesant Great many shaut Salmon augi Bison kotzo Come keemah Antelope waree Large pceup Elk paree Big river paupeeup Awl weeu To eat boreecan Beaver hanish White people tabbaboo,(^eo/)/c of the sun) Friend hauts Go numeearo Woman wepee To copulate yoco Water pah To see inabonee Horse bunko Did not see it kayenmabonee No kayhee