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Page:Archæologia Americana—volume 2, 1836.djvu/450

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SELECT SENTENCES. (Continued.) 2 Hoic is it icilfi tin < 3 He is a good man 4 I know him 5 She is a good icoman / lore her 7 It is a large tree 8 / see it 9 I girc i/ou this canoe 10 Take it 11 /£IM i/ou this deer 12 Tfcfa Ann 13 Gtw //<(• /»r«f 14 GVrc ma that dog 15 Bring water 16 Bri'/i o- f/tc jnisoners 17 This~is my father's canoe 18 / gfltfe cor/i <o my father 19 / planted corn for my father 20 //ore my father 21 / *oc/A; corn from my father 22 I came with my father 23 I sa*c a deer 24 I killed a deer 25 / &i//cd torn WU7A m?/ hatchet 26 /tooA; */te skin from the deer 27 7% is dog- 28 These dogs 29 TVtis is mine 30 TAaf w J/iirae 31 The man whom he saw 32 Whose dog is this f 33 To whom shall he speak ? 34 What is thy name ? 35 What dost thou call this ? 36 Which of us (two) shall go f 37 Either of us may go 38 Which of us (all) shall go ? 39 Either of us may go 40 Who saw thee ? 41 He 42 My father 43 My brother 44 My elder brother 45 My younger brother 46 My sister 47 My elder sister 48 My younger sister 49 My son 50 JIfy daughter 51 Jl/y cAita 52 My head 53 Afy/eel 54 My dog 55 J»/?/ s/toes 56 I saw thee 57 / love thee 58 / wiM marry thee Ojibway, or Chippeway. tahneen keenovvavv aizzhebemahtezeaik menopamahtizze eninne nekekennemaw mennopamahtese gitchemetik, (large tree) nevvawbomaw, (if animate) ; newawbundaun, (if inanimate) kemenin maundun chemaun otaupenun kemenin mawbuh wawwawwashgais otaupin mezheshinweyos mezeshin owanemoose nebeesh nahdin beesh awuhkaunug nosiah maundun ochemaun mundahmenun neengemenah noas neenge ketegowaw noas nesahgeah noas neenge otahpenunnowaw noas mundahmin nepewe jewaw noas, (1 accompanied my father) neengewawbomo wawwasligais vvawwashgais neengenesah neewawgawkutneke oonjinneesah neenge pukkonah mawbuhannemoosh ahgoondahannemoag neeneendieem, (mine it remains) keenketieme, (it belongs to thee) whanainwhatiet ? owananan kakunnonahjit ? ahneenazhenekahsoyun ahneenazhenekahdahmun ? owanain kaeshaut negotwahiao otaiashon n'dahwamah, (by woman) wanewiahbomik ? ween nosa nekaunis, (by man) nesiah neshema n'dahwamah nemissah neshemah negwis nedannis neenjahnis neostegwon neozittun neendi nemukkezinnun neekewawbomin kezawgein, (to woman) nemanenemin neengahwetegamah, (by man) ; kuhwelegemin, (by woman)