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Page:Archæologia Americana—volume 2, 1836.djvu/535

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the Christian Indians.
“Certain Questions propounded to the Indians, and their Answers
Q. 1. To worship the only true God, who made heaven and earth.
Ans. We do desire to reverence the God of the English, because we see he doth better to the English than other gods do to others.
Q. 2. Not to swear falsely.
Ans. They say they know not what swearing is among them.
Q. 3. Not to do any unnecessary work on the Sabbath day, especially within the gates of Christian towns.
Ans. It is easy to them; they have not much to do on any day, and they can well take their rest on that day.
Q. 4. To honor their parents and superiors.
Ans. 'T is their custom to do so, for the inferiors to honor their superiors.
Q. 5. To kill no man without just cause and just authority.
Ans. This is good, and they desire to do so.
Q. 6. To commit no unclean lust, as for instance, adultery, incest, rape, sodomy, bigamy, or beastiality.
Ans. Though sometimes some of them do it, yet they account it naught.
Q. 7. Not to steal.
Ans. They said to this as to the 6th quere.
Q. 8. To suffer their children to learn to read God's word, that they may learn to know God aright, and to worship him in his own way.
Ans. They say, as opportunity will serve, and the English live among them, they desire so to do.
Q. 9. That they should not be idle.
Ans. To which and all the rest they consented, acknowledging them to be good.

“Being received by us, they presented twenty six fathom of wampum. And the Court directed the treasurer to give them four coats, two yards in a coat, of red cloth, and a potful of wine.[1]

  1. The following is the entry made by Governor Winthrop in his Journal, relating to this matter. "At this Court, Cutshamekin and Squaw Sachem, Mascononomo, Nashacowan and Wassamagoin, two Sachems near the great hill to the west, called Wachusett, came into the