[ 1 99 I XVI. Copy of an Original Inflrument dated' 25 Nov. 1449, concerning the Church-yard of St. Mary Mag- dalen in Milk Street, London. Exhibited to the Society of Antiquaries by Thomas Loggen, Efq* R^ead March 23, 1797. " TN Dei nomine amen. Per hoc prefens publicum inftrumentum JL cunclis appareat cvidenter quod anno ab incarnacione dbmi- nica millnfo cccc mo nonagefimo nono indiclione tercia pontificatus vero fancliffimi patris et Domini noftri Domini Alexandri divina providentia pape fexti anno oclavo menfis vero Novembris die vi- cefima quinta in quodam mefuagio five taberna vocat' le Eglf iltuat in Wejlchepa civitatis London in mei que notarii publici fub- fcripti et teftium infra fcript' prefentia perfonaliter conftitutus ho- norabilis et providus vir magifter Robertus ShefTeld clericus filius ut afleruit Edmundi Sheffeld quondam de parochia omnium fanSlorum in Honylane dicle civitatis London comorantis apud le hole Bulk ibidem, fponte et ex fuo mero motu atque certa fcientia ac libera et fpontanea fua voluntate nullo errore duclus nulloque vi metu dolo feu fraude coactus non deceptus non feductus nee aliqua alia finiftra machinatione ut aiTeruit circumvent' fed ex animo deli- berat' ac in rci veritatis teftimon' depofuit confeflatus fuit dixit et publice fatebatur certa verba Anglicana fequencia feu alia eis con- fimilia Vcilicet : Sirs ye mall underftand that I am wele remem- bred, how a pece of voide grounde lying in the parifh of Saint Mary Magdalene in Milkftrete of London, on the weft fide of the fame ftrete was com~nly named and called the Chirche-yard of Saint Mary Magdalene Chirchein Milk/lrete aforefaide And that there ftode a crojje in and uppon the fame voide grounde of the height of a man or more And that the fame crojje was "joorjhipped by the parifshens there as i crofts
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