Mr. Wilkins's Defcriptioa, &c. 291 " In Mileburne king Edward (the ConfdTor) had fix carucates of land as rated to the Geld. The arable land is fix carucates. There the king hath one carucate in his demefncs, and twenty villains,, and fix bordarii having five carucates. There is a prieft, and a church, and one mill of three fhillings value, and twenty-four acres of mea- dow, the pafture of a wood one mile long and half a mile broad. In the time of king Edward the manor valued at ten pounds, now at fix pounds, yet it renders ten pounds [&]." By this we find there was a church at Melbourne in the Con- queror's time; and, indeed, there is little doubt but that it was built very foon after the introduction of chriftianity. We learn that Penda [c], the fon of Penda king of Mercia, had all the fouth part of Mercia from the river Trent added to his government by the gift of Ojwy king of Northumberland, upon condition of his em- bracing chriftianity on his marriage with king OJwys natural " bie Hills and Staunton weftward, till it come to the river of Trent, w c *. is north- " ward, and devids from Swarkefton and Wefton." Again, in the 2nd Refponfe " and that this Manno r extends itfelf into parte of " Swarkefton, Chellafton, Ofmafton, Normanton, and Cottons." " That of the Parfonage the owner is the BUhopp of Carlell." " That this Manno r lyeth within Repton Deanerie, Coven: and Litchfeild Dio- " cefle." [b] " In Milelurne hf. Rex Edw". vi. car", trae" ad gldT. Tra~. vi. car". Ibi. ht. " Rex m . et xx vill~et vi bord. rfntes. v. caf. Ibi Pb~r. et aeccFa. et I. molin . in. ' folid. et xxiiii ac". pt". SilvapafT. I. leif. lg". et diin". leu~. laf. T. R. E. val.x. lib. " m. vi. lib. tarn*, x reddit." [c] Penda, the firft chriftian king of Mercia. Bede's Hift. 1. 3. c. 21. " Penda began his reign, or rather government, anno 656. This king reigning as fubftitute to king Ofouy of Northumberland aforefaid, by fotne is not accounted as a Mercian king, his army refting under the command of another." Speed's Hift. 252. P p 2 daughter
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