saide, that there bee noe lose of tyme when seedefur cometh in hannde.
In these monthes is the best makinge provision for all sortes of spices and fruites for the house use, as for theire severall kindes I referre you to the jornall or leager in this booke before specified.
In these monthes is the best providinge of wynnes of all sortes, and salte for store so well bay as white; but I houlde it better to make the larger provision of bay salte, for because it seasons the stronnger, and will last the longer, beinge drie and well kepte.
In these monthes are hopps to bee gathered if they bee of store and are to bee plucked or taken drie, and with a softe fier to bee sloelie and throughlie dried; and after they bee coulde to bee close packede up in sackes, the better they will keepe theire strength when they are to bee usede, if there bee none of store then nowe is the tyme to buye them.
In these monthes is the beste providinge for salte store, vidz. lynnge, habberdinge, codde, salte eales, salte salmon barrellede, and stockfishe. For whyte herringes, redd, and spratts, I hould Candlemas the best providinge of them.
In these monthes the stewarde of houshoulde is to provide all such cornn as is not of store, and to bee delivered at tymes conveniente to the yoman of the garner, whoe is safelie to keepe the saide cornn for his lordes use, if it bee a yeare, two, or more.
In these monthes the stewarde of houshoulde is to provide fatte beeves if they bee not of store, and those to continue for spendinge in the house till Midsommer followinge, that grasse beeves bee reddie, and soe to bee pasturede in good grasse or staule fede in the house at his discretion.
In these monthes are young cattell for store to bee bought, soe well stires as heyffors of three or foure yeares oulde, which beeinge well winterede at grasse, or strawe at the barnn dores, will thesooner