November, December.
Firste, in these monthes is the best sortinge of all sortes of sheepe untill the Ladie daie in, Marche, vidz. weathers by themselves, yeows by themselves, wayninge lambes by themselves, and note that the rammes bee not put to the yeows before St. Luke's Tide, soe those lambes doe fall about the five and twentieth of Marche, which if they shoulde fall before that tyme, the scarcitie of fresh grasse and the coldnes of the weather, woulde so nipe and chill them that it would eather kill or so crooke them that they woulde nether bee stronnge or lardge sheepe eather for store or service in the lordes house. Likewise these severall sortes of stocke aforesaide are to bee well fothered and attended till the next springe, that then there may bee farther order taken for them, as occasion servithe; and note, that when the ramms have sarvede the yeowes they bee putt in verie good pasture of purpose all that winter, or ells they wyl bee in danger to bee lost by reasone of beatinge and heatinge them, chasinge the yeowes in rutt tyme.
In these monthes are the studd marcs with foale and theire other breede to bee bestowed in groundes fitinge for them in the winter tyme, and the largest and fairest horscoltes to bee looked unto, and put in choise groundes, and to have some convenientte hoovell or house to goe into in stormye weather, with racke and manger therein to feede upon hay, pulls of cornne or oates, which will much increase theire groeth. If further knowledge bee requirede I referre those to Blundivell his booke of breedinge horsses, or such like authors better practizede therein then myselfe, and like wile for further managinge them to the saddell.
In these monthes, as the weather servith, is good to takedraughte