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Page:Archaeologia Volume 13.djvu/512

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l. s. d.

Numb. Brought over 0 8 6

9. Three tesselated Roman pavements found at Winterton in Lincolnshire, 1747; with one at Roxby in that neighbourhood. 0 2 0

10. Doncaster cross 0 1 0

11. Sandal castle in Yorkshire. 0 1 0

12. The Savoy hospital in the Strand, with the chapel. 0 1 0

13. Clithero castle in Yorkshire. 0 1 0

14. A plan of the ground and buildings in the Savoy. 0 1 0

15, 6. A view of the cathedral church and priory of Benedictines in Canterbury, with the effigies of Eadwin, a monk of that convent, between the years 1130 and 1174, both drawn by himself; with a printed account of the said drawings. 0 3 0

17. An ancient lamp in two views; a vase, and two bells, all of brass. 0 1 0

18. Silenus and a lamp. 0 1 0

19. Third seal of Canterbury cathedral, and a mantle-piece at Saffron Walden. 0 1 6

20. Brass trumpets, and other instruments found in Ireland; and a shield found at Hendinas in Shropshire; with an explanatory account. 0 2 0

21, 22. An antique bronze figure, from the collection of the late Mr. Hollis, with an explanation. 0 5 0

23, 24. Two views of the old palace at Richmond; with an account thereof. 0 5 0

25. View of the palace of Placentia at Greenwich; with an account thereof. 0 2 6

26. The East window of St. Margaret's church, Westminster. 0 5 0

27. View of the old palace at Hampton Court. 0 4 0

28 Portrait of Dr. Lyttleton, Bp. of Carlisle, mezzottinto. 0 5 0

Seven plates of ancient Monuments in Westminster Abbey, viz.

29. Front of the monument of Aveline Countess of Lancaster.

30. The cumbent figure of Aveline.

31. The undervaulting and ornaments of the tomb.

32. The North front of King Sebert's monument. 0 10 6

33. The figures of Sebert and Henry III.

34. Heads and ornaments on Sebert's monument.

35. The tomb of Ann of Cleves.

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