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INDEX. A BEL, Thomas, prifoner in the Tower _ of London 93, 94 ; account of him 'ibid. JEolipile, ancient, found at Baflngftoke 410 Aire in Artois, Englifh Convent of Poor Clares there 271 Alderfey, Mr. exhibits an ancient bill of a meflenger's charges 403 Alfred, king, inquiries concerning his tomb at Hyde Abbey 309 3 T I Alfwitha, queen 309, 3 1 1 Altar, Roman, found at Lancafter 401, 402 Andulees, what 388 Anftis, John, his collection of drawings of antiquities 208 Antwerp, Englifh convent of Carmelites, or Terefian Nuns at 273 Aori, what 284 Appendix 395410 Ardern, George, prifoner in the lower of London 97 Arithmetic, ancient books of 159 163 Arthy, Mr, his .obfervations on the Grig- girry's of the Mandingos 227 229 Arundel, Philip, earl of 72, 73.; priibner in the Tower 72 Afkot, Vifc. 274 Aftle, Mr. hi& obfervations on flone pillars, crofles, and crucifixes 208 222 - communicates a copy of a curious record of a pardon in the Tower of Lon- don 313 Auditor, ofTice of 328 Auuftine Nuns, Englifh Convent of MSS. on the mofl proper method of de- fence againft invafion 169 communicates an expedient , Louvain 264 j in Bruges and Aylesford, royal manor of Ayfcough, Mr. communicates copies of two Paris 268 1 1 to pay the land and fea forces without mo- ney in 1667 by Fabian Phillipps 185 B Bailly, Charles, prifoner in the Tower of London 95 ; account of him 96 Baker, Humphry, his work on arithmetic i6a Banks, Right Hon. Sir Jofeph, communicates a copy of an original MS. entitled, A Bre- viate touching the Order and Government of a Nobleman's Houfhold 315 Banning, Paul Vifc. 276 Barnes, Robert 94. Barrow on Buxton Common near Norwich 404, 405 Barton, Elizabeth 94. Barwyke, Humphry 75 Bafilicae converted into churches 301 Bavvdewyn, Thomas, prifoner in the Tower of London 83 Baynbrige, Roy, prifoner in the Tower of London 97 Beacons, regulations for the management of '83 Benedictine Abbey at Lamfpring in Germa- ny 272 Benedi6line Monks, Englifh Convent of at Douay 262 ; at Deulouart 263 ; in Paris 2^4 BenedicYme Nuns at BrufTels 261 ; in Cam- bray 267; in Ghent 268; in Paris arad Pontoife 269 ; at Dunkirk 271 Bitter, how drefled 384 Bookham Great, infcription in the church I 2 n Books