INDEX. 43* Lancafter, John, duke of Roman altars found at 401 7 402 Lang ton, Stephen, Archbifliop of Canter- bury, an Anglo-Norman poet, diflertation on his life and writings 231 234 La Rue, Monfieur, his diflertation on the life and writings of Mary, an Anglo- Norman poet 35, 67; on the lives and works of feverai Anglo-Norman poets of the 1 3th century 230 250 Lays of Mary, an Anglo-Norman poetefs 38 44; conjectures concerning the king to whom they are dedicated 40, 41 ; lift of them 42, 43 Lee, Mr. his account of a Roman altar 401, 402 Lettely, or Netley Abbey, account of the leal of 193 195 Liege, Englifh CanonefTes of the Holy Se- pulchre at 273 College of Englifh Jefuits at 265 Lier, Englifh Carmelites, or Terefian Nuns at 273 Lifbon, Convent of Englifh Brigittine Nuns at 258, 259 College of Englifh Catholics at 267 Loggen, Mr. communicates a copy of an original Instrument concerning theChurch- ' yard of St. Mary Magdalen, in Milk Street, London 199 Longovicum, a Roman ftation 402 Louvain, Englifti Convent of Auguftine Nuns in 264 - Englifh Dominican College in 270 Lundores, feal of the Abbey of 196 198 M Madrid, CollegeYor Englifh Catholics at 260 Major Henniker, Mr. communicates the Abbe de la Rue's diflertation on the lives and works of feverai Anglo-Norman poets 230 Maleri, Robert, a prifoner in the Tower of London 97 Manchet 389 Mann, Abbe, his account of a reputed Ro- man camp in Weftphalia i 6; his ac- count of the religious eftablifhments made by Englifh Catholics on the continent c.f Europe 251 273 Manners, Sir George 10 March, Edward, earl of 14 Marten, John, prifoner in the Tower of London 97 Mary, an Anglo-Norman poetefs, clifTertatiou on her life and writings 35 67; her lays 3844; her failles 44 6^; her tale of St. Patrick's purgatory 6;, 66 Mafks, ancient, observations on 22 f Mafterton, Thomas, his work on arithmetic 162 Maton, Dr. his account of the fall of fome of the ftones of Stonehenge 103 io5 Medal of gold ftruck on the birth of Charles II. defcription of 20 22 Melbourne Church, in Derbyfhire, dc-fcrip- tion of 290 308; when built 292 Melbourne, manor and parfonage of 305, 306 ; the caft-Ie 300 ; chantry of St. Ca - tharine 307 Meflenger, Queen's, his Hill of charges in . I 577 403 Miagh, Thomas, prifoner in the Tower 84 Miracles, ancient theatrical pieces fo called 237240 Montacute, Henry, Lord 9-7, 98- Monument, Greek fepulchral, obfervations on 280 2^9 Mopps, young whitings fo called 3^8 -/ More, Margaret 88 Sir Thomas, ibid". Munich, Englifli College of Jefuitefles at 263, 264 Mufgrave, Sir William, communicates an- original MS. containing inftrudtions for centioners to obferve during the continuance of the French fleet upon the coaft' 100 Mynion, a fpecies of ordnance 2 % j N Natmton, Sir Robert 276- Navy of England in I599/, lift of 27 34 Neeclham, Sir Robert 277 Netley Abbey, feal of, defcribed 193 195 Nevil, Sir Edward 97, ,8 family of, their titles and offices 7, i$ Newanminfter,
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