AT PETERBOROUGH. 363 Miscellaneous Papers of the Treasury of the Receipt of the Exchequer, First Series, No. 86, it is contained as follows : — A remembrance for thcntcrremcnt of the right Excellent and Noble priucesse the Lady Cathcrin doughter to the right higlie and might}^ prince Ferdinand late king of Castle, and late ^vief to the noble and excellent prince prynce Arthure brother to o' Sonvraign lorde king Henry the viij. First the corps must be sered, tramayled, Icded and chested, v^ spices and other thiuge therunto appertayning. Item a herce av^ v principallcs and liglitf accordingly to be set in the churche or chaple Avhcre the body shal first remayn untill the removing. Item a sumptuous herce w* ix principallf and lightf accordingly to be set in the churche or monastery where the corps shalbe buried. Item staff torches to be borne by yoraen the nombre of Avhiche shall suffice after the rate of cc at ones w* change at evy remodng. Item long torches to be borne in greate townes as the body shall passe, and to be spent at the ceremonyes of thenterre- ment, the berers wherof must have gownes and hodes. Item to ppare braunches of white virgyne wax whiche will s've to be set evy night at dirige and evy morning at masse uppon the corps. Item aboute the principal herce to have duble barriers the ynner for the ladyes, and thutter for the lordes, the same w' the formes to be covered w*^ black, garnished w"^^ scochions of her armes, and by the waye at removingf formes set about the corps and coved wt black shall suffice in the stede of barriers onles it be in principall townes where it shalbe necessary to have herces and barriers made befor. Item there must be a solempne facion used in the conveyance of the corps from her chambre to the chaple or churche where she shall first remayne, at whiche tyme besidf iij myters av* the quere, there must be put divse noble men, iiij knight f to here a canapye over the body, AJ knightf to beare the same corps, and vj barons or other noble men to be assistentf. Item the chief morner av' other viij^^ taccompany the corps to the chaple, there to attcnde the dirige and the masses, and at evy masse the principal morner only to ofier, as shalbe admonished and appointed by an officer of armes, all the rest of the morners only attending uppon her, and not ofiering. Item ordre to be taken for Avatche to be had nightly aboute the corps during the tyme the same shal remayn unburied, and in like manor for thappointement of prelates to execute daylie during that tyme the certfmonyes and s'A'ice. Item there must be provided a charet to conveye the corps from the chaple where it shall first rest to the place Avhere it shalbe VOL. XI. 3 B
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