A baron or baronesse for there gowuc and hodd vj yerdꝭ at
viijs, lvv͛ey for x s'vntꝭ.
A baneret and a knight of the garter vj yerdꝭ and lyv͛ey viij s'vnͣtꝭ.
A bisshop is rated wt a baron.
A knight v yerdꝭ at xjs viij d̴ the yerd and v s'vntf .
A squier v yerdc and lyvey for ij s'vitf . xV gentleman v yerdf Ivvev for i s'vit. Evy yoman and grome to have iiij yerdf, and evy gentleraannes s'viit iiij yerdf. To be also remembrcd. Tappointc prelates to execute during the tymc she shalbc unburicd, daylie at the obsequies to be doon for her. Item to have the psouages that shali)C appointed to be p'nt advtised therof l)y Pres. Item the kingf pleasure touching doles and after what sorte the sam shalbe distributed. In like raaner for the diettf of all them that shall attende uppon the corps, or have other s'vice for that prpose.
The xxvth daye of this p'ñt moneth of January it is cōmaunded that all suche stuff as is cōmytted to the doingꝭ of the chaundeler, the paynter, the sadler, and all other having any thing to be doon touching this enterrement, shalbe ready and bestowed in suche places as be to them appointed for the same.
(Indorsed.) Interrment of Catherine wife of Prince Arthur . . . crabe of thenter . . ent of the pryneꝭ doughter.
First provision to be made for the boweling, seriug and enclosing of the corps in lede.
Item for lightꝭ and other thingꝭ necessary to be employed about the corps during the tyme of the contynuance of the same wtin the house or in the next churche or chaple, and who shall execute all exequies and ceremonyes for the tyme aboute the said corps.
Item proportions to be made for all manner of lightꝭ that shallbe necessary for theuterement.
Item proportions to be made for blackꝭ to be destributed at that tyme.
Item what psonages and howe many psonages wonum shallbe apppointed to be principal morners.
Item how many charettꝭ shallbe p͛pared to folowe the corps, and what apparail shalbe appointed for the same.
Item what place the bodye shalbe entered in.
Item what nombre of prelattꝭ shalbe p'n̄t at the enterrement.
Item what dole shalljo delt in ev͛y place, and whether the same shalbe in pence, dï grotes, grotes, or in all after the divsitie of the place.
Item that Pres may be made for thappointemēt of suche psonages of honor and shalbe at the same.