Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 2.djvu/134

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made by Richard Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick, who by will founded the chapel of St. Mary," which is attached to the south side of the chancel It is with considerable diffidence that we venture to suggest a different opinion to that which is here expressed. The four-centred arch is no proof of late date, though it became much more prevalent in later times; it is found even in Early English work, as in the doorway of the City School at Bristol; the tracery of this east window is quite different from that of the Beauchamp chapel, and partakes more of the Decorated style; it is not of much later character than the works of William of Wykeham; for instance. New College Chapel, erected in 1379-86. The vaulting and pitch of the roof, the buttresses and pinnacles, are all quite different in the chancel and the chapel adjoining; even the panelling is of a different pattern, and to our eyes evidently earlier. The mouldings also are quite different. We see no reason to doubt that this chancel is the genuine work of Thomas Beauchamp.

Archaeological Journal, Volume 2, 0134a.png

Section of Mouldings of the East Window of the Chancel.

Archaeological Journal, Volume 2, 0134b.png

Section of Mouldings of the East Window of the Beauchamp Chapel.

We cannot conclude this notice without heartily wishing success to the labours of the Warwickshire Society, and hoping that their example will be followed in many other counties, with equal zeal and ability.