Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 2.djvu/25

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addition to the original building is usually called the Golden Chapel. Much painting and gilding remains in the roof, and still more in the canopy over the figure of Arthur Vernon, where it is scarcely faded or worn away at all.

The following measurements will give a fair idea of the general dimensions and proportions of the church, though they might be corrected in many points by a practical architect.

Ft. In.
  1. Total length of the interior
103 10
  1. Of which the chancel, from the east wall to the rood-screen is about
41 0
  1. Total width of nave and aisles, internally
45 11
  1. Of which that of the nave from centre to centre of opposite piers, is about
20 3
  1. Width of chancel internally
17 8
  1. Interior of vestry from north to south
15 3
  1. Ditto from east to west
12 6
  1. Interior of porch from north to south
12 1
  1. Ditto from east to west
11 11
  1. Interior of Golden Chapel from north to south
9 4
  1. Ditto from east to west
17 0
  1. Width of each face of the octagonal piers of the nave
0 111/2
  1. [1]Span of east window including the jambs
11 0
  1. Ditto within the jambs
9 8
  1. One of the lights of ditto
1 71/2
  1. Thickness of the wall at the chancel door
2 103/4

None of the walls of the church, excepting those of the belfry, appear thicker than this, but some are thinner by a few inches.

  1. Width of the chancel buttresses
1 51/2

None of the buttresses of the church differ from these in width by more than half an inch, except those of the Golden Chapel, which are 1 foot 41/2 inches.

  1. Depth of chancel buttresses above the base-moulding
2 4
  1. Ditto of diagonal buttresses at the west end
2 13/4
  1. Ditto of western buttresses between nave and aisles
3 13/4
  1. Span of western door
4 81/2
  1. Of outer door of south porch
5 41/2
  1. Lower part of the belfry internally from north to south
16 10
  1. Ditto from east to west
15 0
  1. Thickness of wall in this part of the tower
3 0
  1. Height of the coping of the chancel battlements (on the south side) from the level of the under part of the base-moulding
25 9
  1. The two central mullions of this window, though of the same order with the others, and having similar mouldings, are somewhat thicker.