Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 29.djvu/12

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  1. Notes on the Site of the Palace of Kennington. By Henry MacLauchlan, F.G.S.166
  1. The Church of St Mary, Guildford. By J. H. Parker, C.B., M.A., F.S.A.170
  1. The Supplemental Note to "Catalogue of a Loan Collection of Books printed before 1600." By the Rev. J. Fuller Russell, F.S.A.181
  1. The Shrine of St. Allan. By J. T. Micklethwaite, F.S.A.201
  1. On the History of the South-Western Portion of England. By the Lord Henry Scott, M.P.212
  1. The Corbridge Lanx. By C. W. King, M.A.223
  1. On the Alien Priories in the Isle of Wight, and their seizure by Edward the First. By the Rev. E. Venables, M.A., Precentor of Lincoln230
  1. The Lambeth Mazarine Testament. By the Rev. W. J. Loftie, F.S.A.242
  1. Explorations in Rome, 1871—72. By J. H. Parker, C.B., M.A., F.S.A.249
  1. On a Roman Key-like Finger Ring of Gold, and Byzantine Bicephalic Signet of the same metal. By C. Drury E. Fortnum, F.S.A.305
  1. Gaulish Fortresses on the Coast of Brittany (Ar Chastel Coz, The Old Castle, Finistère). By R. F. Le Men, of Quimper314
  1. Odiham Castle, Hants. By G. T. Clark, F.S.A.331
  1. Bronze Steel-yard found with Roman remains at Baden, in Argovie. By Dr. Ferdinand Keller342
Original Documents:—
  1. Selections from the Muniments of Lord Scarsdale. By C. S. G.83
  1. Indenture of Apprenticeship, temp. Rich. II. By C. S. G.184
  1. Gloucestershire Charters. By G. T. C.268
  1. Llantrissaint Borough Charter. By G. T. C.351
  1. Proceedings at Meetings of the Royal Archæological Institute:—November, 1871 to July, 187291, 186, 273, 360
  1. Abstract of Accounts, 1871, audited July 1, 1872295
  1. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................