Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 29.djvu/228

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Original Docunicnts. INDENTURE OF APrilENTICESHIP, TEMP. PJC. II. We print this fincicnt Iiidcnttiro of Ajiprcuticcship not only because it is probably one of the oldest existing, Itut on account of its great peculiarity in contiiuing at so early a time so many ])articular stipula- tions. It is also not a little remarkable that at the time when this In- denture was executed, conveyances of large estates were not half so long or half so special in their provisions as this Indenture. There is also another similar Indenture, dated 1414, between the same John Hyndlee (Hyndeley) and William Spragge, son of Thomas Spragge of Shrewsbury, for the apprenticeship of the said Wdliam to the same John, to learn the art of the bra.sier's ci-aft. The term of apprenticeship was to be eiuht years, but the other couditions wore almost identical with those in the following Indenture. C. S. G. n.KC Indentura tcstatur quod ita convenit inter Johannem Hyndlee de Norhamptoh, Brasyef, ex parte ima, et Thomam Ivlward, filiuni (!il- berti Edward de Wyndcsore, ex parte altera, (piod pnedictus Thomas Edward semetipsum fecit et posuit apprenticium dicto Johanni Hyndlee, ad descrviendum eidem Jcjhanni Hyndlee et assignatis snis bene et fideliter UKjrc apprenticii a fest(j omnium sanctorum proxime fiituro post datam presentium usipie ad fmem septem annorum ])roxime ex- tunc setjuentium ct jilenarie completorum, ad artem vocatam /irosi/irx craft, cpui dictus Johannes utitur, medio tempore luiniiliter enuliendum. Infra cpiem ipiidem tcrminum dictorum .sept cm annorum priefatus Thomas Edward consilia dicti Johannis Hyndlee magistri sui celanda cclubit. Dampnum eidem Johanni magistro suo nullo modo faoiet ncc fieri videl)it, (piin illud cito impedict nut dictum magistrum Huum stutim indo premuniet. A servicitt kuo priudicto seipsum illicite non ubscntabit. Bona ct calalla dicti Johannis magistri sui alistpie ejus licencia nuUi accommodiibit. 'I', scortum, talus, alea.s, ct joca Himilia non frei|ucntabit, in dispcndiiun magistri sui pr;edicti. Fornica- tionein nee a<liiUcriuiii cum aii'pju muliere de dumo et familia dicti Johannis magistri sui nullo modo coinmittet, neipie uxorom ducet, abstpio liccnciil magiritri sui priedicti. i'nrccpta et mandata licita ct rai-iona- bilia dicti Johannis magistri sui ul)iipio pro (idi-li pnsso ipsius 'i'lioniu', diligcnter adim|)lcbit ct ciHdcm mandatis libenter <il»ediel, durante toto tonnino sno pncnotnto. Kt, si prirdictuH Thoma.s do ali(piA. convonciono HuA vol urticulo pncHcripto dofeccrif, Uxuv idem Thonuis juxta nioilnm ct <|uautitatcrn delicti sui pm-fato Johanni magL^tro suo satisfaciet ciuendam