Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 4.djvu/205

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RECENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS. 187 Monro (C.) Acta C'ancellari^e : or Selectiims from the Records of the Court of Chancery remaining iu the Office of Reports and Entries. In two parts: part first, containing extracts from the Master's reports and certificates during the reigns of Queen Elizabeth and King James I. ; part second, containing ex- tracts from the Registrar's books from A.D. 154.5 to the end of the reign of Queen Elizabeth. 8vo. 1/. 5s. SpEcniKXs OF Ancient AND Modern Binding, selected chiefly from the Library of the British Museum ; with an introduction containing the history of Bookbind- ing from the earliest period to the present time. By C. Tuckett, jun. Royal 4to. parts I and 2, with illuminated and coloured plates, 10s. each. The Foundation Statutes of Merton College, Oxford, A.D. 1270; with the subsequent ordinances of Archbishops Peckham, Chichele, and Laud. Edited by Edward France Percival. 8vo. 5s. ScuiPTOREs rerum Gestarum Willei.mi Conquestoris ; in unum collecti ab J. A. Giles, D.C.L. 8vo. 10s. Galfridi le Baker de Swinbroke, Chronicon Angliae temporibus Edwardi II et Edwardi III. Edidit J. A. Giles, D.C.L. 8vo. 9s. Incerti ScRiPTORis Narratio de Rebus in bello sancto Gestis, A.D. 1217, 1218. 8vo. 5s. Liber Pontificalis of Edmund Lucy, Bishop of Exeter ; a Manuscript of the Fourteenth Century, printed from the original in the possession of the Dean and Chapter of Exeter. Edited l)y Ralph Barnes, Esq. 8vo. 12s. ZuR Alterthumskunde des Nordens, von J. J. Worsaae. With twenty litho- graphic plates. 4to. 1 /. Leipsic. Ansichten uber die Keltischen Alteethumer die ubeehaupt und beson- DERs IN Teutschland, vou C. Kefcrsteiu. Erster Baud, Archaologischen Inhaltes. 8vo. 7s. Halle. Album de l'Art du Moyen-Aoe: Album Mittelalterlicher Kunst, von G. G. Kallenbach. Part I, oblong 4to. with fifteen plates, 5s. Munich. Kallenbach, Atlas zur Geschichte der Deutsche Mittelalterliciien Baukcnst. 86 plates, imperial folio, 4/. 4s. Munich. Kallenbach, Chronologie der Deutsch-Mittelalterlichen Baukunst. Royal Bvo. 4s. Munich. (Text to the above.) Grabdenkmaler. Ein Beitrao zur Kunst geschichte des Mittelalteks, von Leonard Dorst. Part 1, 4to. with twelve engravings. 5s. Gorlitz.