Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 4.djvu/240

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220 IFFLEY CHURCH, OXFORDSHIRE. removed, and the circular window restored ; nevertheless dining the late restorations under the judicious care of Mr. Hussey, it was not deemed expedient to attempt this, there being no evidence to shew how the circular space was tilled up, although many think that the window at Barfreston, so well restored by Mr. Hussey, would have afforded an excellent model, or the one at the west end of the Temple chm'ch, London, both of which are of nearly the same age. In the upper part of the west front are three small windows enriched with zigzags, and coupled shafts, with a beaded orna- ment twisting round them, and sculptured capitals to the two shafts combined ; below these is a sort of small corbel-table of plain blocks, the circular window having been placed in a large recessed panel ; the upper part of the gable was rebuilt about 1S20, chiefly at the expense and under the dii-ection of the late Mr. Robert Bliss, then a resident in the parish, and the ornaments were carefully restored from an old print, in a much better manner than might have been expected at that period : it had been destroyed wdien the roof was lowered, and, though the gable was rebuilt, the roof remained nearly flat for many years, until at length that has also been restored by Mr. Hus- sey to its original pitch. IMPOST OF SOUTH DOORWAY. The south doorway is very rich and good Norman, the arch