Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 4.djvu/369

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stantly one, have meett and proceeded in the said service, and have taken the whole Remayne of all the Armors, Municion and other Habiliments of Warre, with their Furnitures, in the said Tower of London (sundry of the Armours, with their Furnitures and other utensills, which were formerly at Greenwich, being (within the tyme of the late distraccions and unhappy differences in this Kingdome) removed unto the said Tower of London) all which they find to be of the severall natures and qualityes hereafter menconed: viz.:


Harquebuzeers with other Horscmens Armors, vizᵗ.

Breasts, Serviceable, 6604. To be repaired, 2394. Unserviceable, 5 . . . . . 9003

Backes, Serviceable, 5859. To be repaired, 3116. Unserviceable, 6 . . . . . 9281

Headpeeces, Serviceable, 5584. To be repaired, 2826 . 8410

Strong Harquebuze armor, consisting of backe, breast, Placket, headpeece and Taces . . . One

Strong Breast and Placket .... One

Dutch horsemens headpeeces, with single barrs . . 776

Dutch Harquebuze armes defective, Breasts, 132. Backes . 100

Curasseers Armors, with their Furnitures, viz.

Close white Curasseer headpeeces, defective . . 228

Curasseer amies compleate, whereof 43 defective . 58

Gushes, to be cleaned and repaired . . . 289 paire

Kneecopps. To be cleaned and repaired, 252 paire. White and cleane, 17 paire .... 269 paire

Flemish Pouldrons, with Vambraces, to be repaired . 271 paire

Light Horsemens armes, white, wanting two paire of Taces . 4

White Curasseer armes compleat, for Tilting . . 2

Tilting armor for Curasseers, consisting of backe, breast, Pouldrons, Vambraces, Taces and Collar . . One

Large white Armour cap-a-pe, said to be John of Gaunts[1] . One

Small white Armour cap-a-pe, said to be Prince Henryes . One

Corslets and Curats with their Furnitures, viz.

Danish Foot armes, to be repaired, viz. Breasts, 344, Backes, 255, Breasts with Taces, 42.

Danish breasts with crosse Girdles, to be cleaned and repaired 1009

Armour of Toyras provision, viz. Breasts, whereof to be repaired, 229—291; Backes, whereof to be repaired, 236—298. Headpeeces, whereof made in England, to weare with the said Armes, and to be repaired, 227 . . 274

  1. Grose, plate xxii.