Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 4.djvu/374

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350 ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. Small Tilt Armour capape, richly guilt and chaced, wanting onely Gaiitletts and Maiuetare, with a shaffron of the same . One Small Armour, richly guilt and chaced, consisting of backe, brest, Culet, Taces, Gorget, Poiseguard, Mainefaire, and Gantletts . One Tilt headpeece of the late Prince Henryes, guilt and graven . One Vamplets for Tilting staves, guilt and graven . . 6 Armour richly guilt and graven, consisting of a backe, breast, Gushes, a paire of Kneecops, Gorget, a paire of short Taces, one Burgonett with a BufFe, Murrion, one Gantlet, and a shaifrone, with a paire of guilt steeles for a sadle . .One Armour, sent his now Majestic, Charles the second, by the great Mogull, consisting of backe, breast, Baces, headpeece, vizor, and peeces of the Greaves .... One Trunckes wherein the said guilt Armour is laid . . 4 Great old Trunckes bound about with Iron, remaineing still at M"". Anneslyes house . . . .2 Great Leaden Cisterne, formerly brought from Greenwich, and now remaineing at the house where M"^. Anneslye dwellt in the Tower ..... One Greenwich. Wee doe find, aswell upon our owne view as upon the informacion of diverse officers of the Armoury, stoorekeepers and others, That, dureing the time of the late distracclons, The severall Amies, ammu- nicion, and Habiliments of Warre, formerly remaineingin the greene Gallery at Greenwich, were all taken and carryed away by sundry Souldiers, who left the doore open ; That sundry of the said Amies were afterwards brought into the Tower of London by jNP. Anneslye, where they are still remaineing ; That the Wainescot in the said Gallery is now all puird downe, and carryed away ; and (as We are informed) was imployed in wainescotting the house in the Tower, where the said M"". Anneslye lived ; That a great part of the seeling is very much ruined, and the whole house much decayed : That all the severall Tooles and other utensills for makeing of Armour, formerly re- maineing in the Master Armourers Avorkehouse there, and at the Armourers Mill, were alsoe within thetyme of thee said distracclons taken and carryed away (saveing two old Trunckes bound about with Iron, Avhich are still re- maineing in the said workehouse. One old Glazeing wheele, still at the Mill, and one other glazeing wheele sold to a Cutler in slioe lane) : That sundry of the said Tooles, and other utensills, have since byn converted and sold to private uses, by those who within the tynie of the said distracclons had the Comaund and care of the said armes and Tooles, both at Green- wich and at the Tower ; That diverse of the said Tooles are still in other private mens hands, who pretend they bought them : That the great Anvile (called the great Beare) is now in the Custodie of M. Michaell Basten, locksmith at Whitehall, and the Anville knowne by the name of the little Beare, is in the custody of Thomas Cope, one of his Majesties Armourers; And one Combe stake in the Custody of Henry Keeme one other of his