Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 4.djvu/379

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.^ r t {) a c 1 a I c a I J n t c 1 1 i a c n c c. ROMAN PERIOD. j By the kindiioss of the Rev. Charles Paul. Vicar of Wallow, Somerset- shire, we are enabled to offer to our readers a representation of a very sin- gular example of late Roman sculpture, in low relief, found near the villa, and Roman remains existing at Wellow. discovered some years since. It is a tablet of oolitic stone, measuring, in its present mutilated state, about 14 in. in width by 13 or 11 in. in height; the thickness 2f in. It exhibits lilAN SCULPlDRt;. FOUND ^T "WELLOW, three figures, two of them females, the third a naked male figure, with the c/i/ami/s thrown over his shoulder, holding in his left hand a purse, in his right a staff. The draperies of the female figures are arranged in straight parallel rolls, and they have around their necks collars or necklaces formed of massive square ornaments. In the left hand of each is a staff, or possibly the extremity of a palm-branch, and each holds also something in the right ' The resemblance which may he traced between this mode oftreatinj;; the draperies, and the earlier Xorman or Saxon scnl])ture, deserves notice. Compare the remains of the cliurch of Sliobilon, built in the twelfth century, .-Vrchasol. Journal, vol. i. pp. 233, 230; the carvings at Kilpeck church, Ar- chajoio^ia, vol. .x.x. pi. 11, and Lewis' illnstratioiis; the font at Castle Frome, Herefordshire, &c.