Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 4.djvu/82

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sued by the bailiff, who caught and decapitated four of their number. This victory achieved, that officer took the stolen chattels into his custody and rode with his company towards Lichfield; but in the interim Rideware, having rallied his band, and being reinforced by Sir Walter de Rideware[1] and others, came up with the bailiff between Blithebury and Ridware Parva[2], and recovered his plunder by a sudden onslaught.

These conflicts seem to have occurred on Sunday. The bailiff having thus failed to obtain redress for the petitioners, they went on the following Thursday to Stafford to shew their grievance, but there, posted at the gates, were followers of the robbers, who would not suffer them to enter the town, and from whom they scarcely escaped without grievous harm. In conclusion William Drakelowe and Richard Hormiglowe represent, that they and many of the Lichfield folk are so menaced by the said robbers and their maintainers that they dare not venture out of the town. Into all which matters they pray the earl of Arundel to cause enquiry to be made at his first session at Lichfield, the felony having been committed within the franchise of the bishop of Chester.

This interesting document is preserved among the miscellaneous petitions in the Tower of London.

T. H. T.
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  1. Sir Walter de Ridware, lord of Hamstall Ridware, co. Stafford; his lady was a widow in 32 Edw. III.
  2. Likewise called Ridware Media, and Pipe Ridware.