282 ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. duodecim ulnas de eisdem uliiis. In latiludiue iux' gardinum meum extfidente se a domo d'ci Rad' usq' ad tram noui Hospit'^ nouem uln & dimid' ulnam de p'd'eis ulnis. lu latitudine extiideiite se a gardino meo iux> t'ram p'd'ci Ade usq' ad uenellam nouem ulnas de eisdem ulnis. Scl' q'cq'd in doa placia t're liabui cum medietate muri ex p'te gardini mei ahsq' aliqu'i diminutione. Habend' & tenend' d'co Rad' & cuicumq' u'l q b^cumq' & q'ndo uend'e dimitt'e legare u'l quocumq' alio modo assignare uolu'it & h'edib"^ eor' de me & h'edib^ meis in feodo & h'editate lib'e quiete integre bii' & in pace inp'petuum. Reddendo inde annuatim michi & li'edib^ meis tres denar' ad festum sc'i Job's Bapt' p' omnibus seruitiis exactionib"^ & demandis. & sine omni occasione. P' quib'^ uero trib^ denar' annuls licet micbi & heredib^ meis namia cap'e in domo p'd'ci Rad' que fuit quondam Rad' de gardino. Et ego Will's p'd'cs & li'edes mei warant- izabimus p'd'cam placiam t're p'd'co Rad' & cuicumq' u'l quib^cumq' uend'e dimitt'e legare u'l quocumq' alio modo assignare uolu'it & h'edib5 eor' con^ omnes homines & feminas. & u'sus omnes gentes p' p'd'cm seruitium inp'petuum defendemus & acquietabimus. P' hac autem mea concessione dimissione warantisione defensione acquietatione & p'sntis carte confirmatione. dedit miclii d'cs Rad' Q'tuor marcas argiiti & dimid' in g'suma. Et ut p'd'ca robur inp'petuum optineant. p'sris scriptum sigilli mei in'pssione roboraui. Hiis testib^. Joh'e de Coudr' t'c ald'm' eiusd' warde. Laur'de frowik'. Ric' abel. Rob'to lebret. Joh'e bulloc. Humfr' Duket. Ric' bonauenture. Walt'o Greyn. Ada lescot. Walt'o le heau- mer.' Sym' uinitar'.'^ Alexandro de Smethfeld' cl'ico et aliis. The seal appended is circular, of dark green wax, the device a falcon or eagle volant.— ^ S' WILL'I FIL' RIC'DI DE WALD'. There are two somewhat uncommon law terms in this document, .of which the general reader may require some explanation. One is namia cajjere, which signified to distrain, and the passage in which it occurs imported that the grantor or his heirs might distrain the goods in the house there specified in case the rent of threepence was in arrear. The other is in Gersumam, which here meant, for or as a premium or considera- tion ; the tenor of the whole passage being that four marks and a half of silver had been paid to the grantor as the form or consideration for the grant, &c. made by him.^ '•• The Priory of St. Mary the Virgin, with- ' An armourer "vvho fabricated helms, (Hit Bishopsgate, founded by Walter Bruiie whence probably, and not from more remote and liis wife, al)oiit 11,07, and rcfounded by Greek antiquity, the modern name Homer is the name of the New Hospital of Our Lady, derived. ♦ in 123.5. Mon. Angl., new edit., vol. vi., p. ' Vinitarius, /. c. a vintner. 622. • Ang. Sax. gasrsuma, /Jrctm^ww.
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