Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 6.djvu/622

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44-0 INDEX. Armour, solleret, &.C., from Tower Ar- mory, 292. of fifteenth century, as shown b}' effigy at Minster, 352. scaled, on sculptures from Nineveh, 368. Artists, medieval, Giacomo da CoUe, 73 ; artists of Sienna. 74 ; Gerhart de Heck, engraver, 416. Arundel Society, notice of, 95. Ashik, Mr., his researches in the Crimea, 261. Ashmolean Museum, antiquities in, 259. Auditors' report, 200. Audley End, Hon. R. C. Neville's museum of antiquities at, noticed, 18, 26, 180, 188. Axe, iron, from Claughton, Lancashire, 74. from Lagore, Ireland, 104; found in sei^ulchral cists, 106. B. Babylon, gem found near, exhibited by Mr. Fitch, 182. Badge of metal, communicated by Rev. John Gunn, 292. Bandinel, Mr., seal of Heni-y le Callere, exhibited by, 77. Bannister, Mr., his description of the Mappa Mundi at Hereford, 100. Barforth, Yorkshire, ancient remains at, 335. Barham, Dr., dra'ing of celt-mould, ex- hibited by, 409. Barnby in the Willows church, Notts, noticed, 178. Barton, Cambridgeshire, pavement tile from, 82. Barton. Oxfordshire, gold ring found there, 289. Bathurst, the Earl, his liberal encourage- ment of Archaeological inquiries, 318, 321. Bayard, his sword exhibited bj' Sir John Boileau, Bart., 180. Beacons in Roman times, 28. Beads, of glass, found at Chesterford, 1 6 ; at Claughton, Lancashire, 74 ; at Mi- cheldever, Hants, 399; at Wangford, Norfolk, 405. , pulley-shaped, found in Norfolk, ih. Becket, St. Tliomas, supposed relics of, at Kew Stoke, 401. Bedford, Mr. C. Desborough, seal of Rcinald dc Tiwe, exhibited by, 413. Bedfordshire, Newenham Priory, 281. Belcwc family, in Yorkshire, notices of, and monuments, 195. Belfrj- at Wyre church, 41. Bells, Roman, found at Headington, 1 83. of Deddington church, taken by Charles L in the Civil Wars, 179. Bells, used on the eve of the Wake, at Congleton, 181. Berkshire. Inscribed bricks found at Bmfield, 77. Roman I'emains at Weycock, 114. Betham, Sir W., his notices of ring money, 56. Bethlehem church once enriched with mosaics, 93. Beverley minster, monument in, 195. Bignoi', Sussex, Roman pavement at, 328. Billings, Mr. R. W., his Baronial and Eccle- siastical Antiquities of Scotland, 417. Binfield, Berks, inscribed bricks found, 77. Bingham, Rev. C, communications regard- ing gold rings in Dorset, 56, 57. Binghay, term explained, 393. Binstead, Isle of Wight, sculptures there, 187. Bishops' Cleeve, Gloucestershire, chimney at, 42. Bitton, Bishop, incised effigy of, in Wells cathedral, 290. Blackwell, Mr. T., bronze mace-head, or murex, found in Wilts, commimicated by, 411. Blandford, Mr., his able direction of exca- vations at Silbury, 395 ; his report, 405. Blayds, Mr. T., alchemical vessels, found near Durham, presented by, 73. Boileau, Sir John, Bart., sculpture foimd at Caistor, exhibited by, 180 ; views of Garianonum, 287. Bones, of animals in tumuli, supposed re- mains of funeral feast, 133. diseased, found in Saxon cemetery, near York, 33. of bos longifrons, &c., 34. of animals, numei'ous in the deposit at Lagore, Ii-eland, 101. of infants, found frequently in Ro- man villas at Chesterford, 21. Bone, pins and bodkins of, foimd at La- gore, 106. Borough ditch, Chesterford, 22. Boulton, Mrs., account of Sampford Peverel church, Devon, 1 86. Bourn church, Lincolnshire, font in, 290. Boutell, Rev. C, his work on Monumental Brasses noticed, 90 ; his Christian Monuments in England, notice of, 212. Bowes, Yorkshire, Roman remains at, 350. Bowl of bronze, found in the tumulus at Lagore, 104. Bracelet. {See Armilla). Branks, for scolds, from Lichfield, exhibit- ed, 407. Brasses, sepulchral, at Leigh, Surrey, 78 ; Howden, Yorkshire, 82 ; Kilnwick Percy, ib.; Sir Robert Staunton, Castle Douington, 90 ; John de Grofhurst, Horsmunden, ib. ; Llanrwst, 191 ; Dar- ley, Derbyshire, bearing engraver's name, 196; Llanbeblig, Carnai-vou-