Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 6.djvu/631

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INDEX. 449 Mediolanum, site of, in Montgomeryshire, 399. Meetings of the Institute in London, re- ports of, 69, 175, 283, 395; annual meeting at Salisbuiy, 297. Mdanges d'Archeologic, notice of, 319. Metals, ancient, remarks on alloys of bronze, 75. Mettingham College, Suffolk, notices and accounts of, 62 ; seal, 68. Michcldever, Hants, antiquities found, 398. Milton, silver seal of, in the possession of Mr. Disney, 199 ; bust of, 200. Mines, ancient, in Wales, 55 ; ancient coal- mines in Spam, 69. Minster church, Isle of Sheppcy, notice of a sepulchral effigy at, 351. MiNTY, Mr., contemporary account of the murder of the Duke of Buckingham, communicated by, 196. Money-box of the Gmld of Corvesoi-s, Ox- ford, 278. Months, symbols of, on a font at Brookland, Kent, 160. Monuments, sepulchral, proposed works on, 99. See Effigies and Sepulchral Slabs, Monumental Brasses in England, by Rev. C. Boutell, notice of, 90, 437. Moore, Mr. J., his remarks on the tenure service by the gad-whip, 241 ; a gad- whip presented by, 175, 245. Moorish vessels of metal, with inlaid orna- ments, exhibited, 296. Morgan', Octavius, Esq., his remarks on ancient watches, 286 ; collection of inscribed brass dishes, exhibited by, 295. Mortar and pestle, of bronze, inscribed, exhibited by Mr. Utting, 416. Mosaic pavements, 16, 92, 327 ; notice of specimens of geomcti-ical mosaic of the Middle Ages, by Digby Wyatt, 92; pavements in Yorkshire, published by Mr. H. E. Smith, 98, 437. Moscardo, bronze implement in his mu- seum, 391. MosELEY, Sir Oswald, Bt., seal of Rolleston Grammar School, exhibited by, 292. Moulds for castmg celts, of stone and bronze, 287, 419. Murex, or caltrap, found in Cambridge- shire, 21. dentated ring, found in Suffolk, 181. Museum of the Hon. R. C. Neville, at Audley End, notices of, 26, 57, 180, 188, 197, &c. ■ British, antiquities preserved in, noticed, 52, 113, 238, 387, 410, 411. Museum Disneianum, notice of, 83. Museum of the Antiquaries of Scotland, proposal for its extension, 209. Mycoderma, vegetation found in a sepul- chral urn, 37. Nails, Roman, found in various localities, 404. Neath, Philosophical Inst, of, proceedings noticed, 98. Needles, or bodkins, of bone, in Irish tumuli, and in Wilts, 106. Nesbitt, Mr. Alex., communicates a memoir on a leaden font in Kent, 159; notice of sepulchral effigy of tiles at Lingfield, 176; of cross-slab at Bishopstone, Sus- sex, 186 ; of cross-slab at Tickhill, 187; bronze vessels from Scotland, lion- shaped, supposed to be ewers, 285; casts from sculptures at Kilmore, 289 ; notice of the Abbot's fish-house at Meare, Somerset, 409. Neville, Hon. R. C, investigation of Roman villas and remains at Chesterton and Ickleton, 14; memoir on his discoveries at Weycock, Berks, 114; notices of antiquities in his museum, — gold ring from Thaxted, 57; bronze ornament, Chesterford, 180; bronze knife, 188; scourge, 197; lock, knife-handles, &c., ■ih. ; British urn from Bulford, Wilts, 319; bronze sword from Coway Stakes, 197. Newcastle, Society of Antiquaries of, their proceedings and museum noticed, 210. Newhaven Church, Sussex, notices of, 138. Newmarch, Mr., his account of Roman remains at Cirencester, 396; exhibi- tion of armillae from same place, 410; proposed publication on Coriniiun, 437. NiBLETT, Mr., exhibits an example of Arabic numerals, 291. Nielli, exhibited by Mr. Forrest, 73. Nineveh, sculptures from, representing the use of celts, 367. Norfolk. Gold ornaments discovered, 52, 59 ; bronze celt-mould found near Nor- ^vich, 387; stalls fonnerly at Castle- acre and LjTin, noticed, 67 ; painted screen-work, possibly Flemish, ib. ; mould for sacred ornaments, found at Dunston, 78, 182; Roman sepulchre at Geldestone, 109; urns found at Cottishall, 363, n.; font at Burnhani Deepdale, 160; sculpture found at Caistor camp, ISO; antiquities found at Lakenham, Oxburgh, Cronici', SwafFham, and Pensthorpe, 406. Churches in, notices of supposed Saxon remains, 359"; Witton, 360 ; Fram- lingham Earl and Frandingliam Pigot, 361 ; St. Julian's, Nonvich, Colney, Great Dmdiam, and Wa- borae, 362; Melton Magna, 365. Norman architecture, examples in Glouces- tershire, 41, 44; in Sussex, at New- haven, 138; font at Brookland, Kent, 3 o