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Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 8.djvu/253

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OllIGINAL DOCUMKNTS. 18^ It. for payling about the windowes in the cliurcli yard . . , . , viii It. to the cutler of Banbery for making clene tho ii hand sword . . . iiii'* 1585. It. for a pynt of sallct oylc to oyle the armor ...... , It. to the armorer for himself and his man, for wags, meat, & driiickc xii' 1.595. It. paid John Ilobcroft and Rich. Adams, of Fretwell, the 7 of December, 1595, in full recompeucc of thcr demande for a chalice and cover ; the sayd Adams d my uncle, Tho. Fermor, when the churchwardens of Fretwell were comaunded to p'vide a comumnion cuppe, at w"^ tynic he dd' them uppon the chalice xl% & dd' a bill of his hand for the receyt of the same, w*^ as they say wcyed 14 oz., valued by them at 4' b ev'y oz. : so paid them more then the xl' they furst rec. . . xxv" iiij'i Extracts from Miscellaneous "Receyts." Anno 1580. It. receved at Som'ton at my goynge to London, w<^ was in my uncle's caskett the x"' of August, 1580 xv It. rec. of S .lohn Fetiplace uppon an obligac'on the v' of October . . Ixxv" xiii' iiii It. rec. of S John Dauver uppon an obligac'on the 29 October . . . cccccxxxviii" It. rec. of old gold, one staw ryall,"* a duckett, half a ducket, a crusadowe,* half an angell, vi' in silver ........ liiij' vi 1.587. Rcccyved of Thorn's Mountagne for a bloudshed made by his wife on Edward Bollis, iii* iiij ; and for a rescue by his wife made on Alexander Hamoud, v' .......... . vii' iiij'i The rarity of evidences relating to monumental art and the sculptors by whom sepulchral memorials were executed, must render the foUowiiK'- document, although comparatively of a late period, highly interesting to many readers. The tomb and effigies still e.xist at Somerton. See Notices of the family memorials there, with a pedigree, and a view of the church, Gent. Mag. vol. xcvii. pt. 1, p. 113. See also Collins' Peerage, ed. 1812, vol. iv. p. 200. This Indenture, made y^ twentyth day of September in y' three and twentith yeare of y"= Raigne of our Sou'aigne Ladye Elizabeth, by y"^ grace of God of England Fraunce and Ireland Queen, Defender of y^ Faithe, &c. Between George Shirley of Staunton Harrolde in v' county of Leic' esquier, one of y'= execut' of y"^ testament and last will of Tliomas Fermor of Souinicrton in y^ county of Oxeil esquier dcccassed, of y*^ one p'ty. And Richard Roiley of Burton uppo Trente in y' county of Stafford Tumbe maker, and Gabriell Roiley of Burton uppO Trente afforesaid Tumbe maker, sonne of y said Richard Roiley, of ye other p'ty. Witnesseth, y' it is by these puts graunted covenaunted codiscendcd and agreed upjM') for, by and between, y said p'ties for them selves, and all and singular y heires execut' and assitriics of all, and any, of y^ said pties, and of every of them, for, uppo, .and cocerninge, all and singular y' grauntes, articles, devises, covenauntes, agreem'*, matters, and thinges, herafter in these ])fits mentioned or cotained, whereon y*^ said Richard and Gabriell Roiley, for, and in cosideratiO of y' souinics of money herafter in these piitcs mentioned, Do bargaine, covenaunt, and agree, for them, and every of them, and for th'eires execut' and administrat's, of either of them, and every of them, to and with y' said George Shirley his execut' and assignes and every of tlieiii, by these p'ntes, artyficially cunningly decently and substancially to devise, workc, sett up, and p'fectly and fully finish at Somerton afforesaid in ye said county of Oxenford, before the Feaste of Pentecoste commonly called Witsontide next ensewinge y"^ date herof, at or neare J' grave of y'- said Thomas Fermor there, a very faire Tumbe of very good faire well chosen and durable Alabaster stone, containeinge in lengthe six footeand a lialfc by y'^ standard, and of y« breadth of fower Feete by the standard, and of y"^ height of five Foote by y'= standard, w"" two endes and one (two erased) uttermost syde all throughe out adwrought adorned gilded engraved portraited and sett fortbe all as herafter ensewcth ; — That is to saie, ye said Richard and Gabriell Roiley their execut' assignes or some one of them, shall and will worke, make, ■* Star-ryal, properly spur-royal, a gold coin of the value of 15s.

  • • Crusador or cruzado, a Portuguese coin of uncertain value.

•^ Bloodshed, bloodwit, the fine imposed for shedding blood. — Cuwel.