Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 8.djvu/483

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IN BEHALF OF THE ROYALIST CAUSE. 3S] Due, Samuel MaroUais de Prnissac, ct aufres." From this very manuscrij3t Rallingson may liavc traced liis plan, as lio has apparently followed the lines suggested by the Dutch system of Marolois. At Queen's College I examined the Latin translation of Wood's " Antiquitates Universitatis," in which I found the plan of the lines as shown by the accom- panying woodcut. Mr. Skelton has copied them accurately, but has not made a fac simile ; his plate being in a quarto volume, and the original in a folio, the plan being folded in the middle, and therefore the size of two folio pages. Finding the plan there and not in Gutch's Wood, or the manuscri})t, I looked for explanation, and found that the Latin translation differed considerably from the original English text of Wood; in fact, after the notice of Rallingson's plan for fortifying the place, there follows, in the Latin, — " Hie do primis loquor munimentis, ea quce postea extruebantur Beehmanmnn archi- tectum habuere," without giving any clue as to who Bechman was. Remarking, however, Wood's own notice, that, after Fairfax's first attempt in 1645, Charles was not satisfied with the works, and after a time fresh ones were taken in hand, I think it very probable that a new suggestion was made by some one else, Bechman most likely, and that the envelope w^as actually executed, and not, as I originall}^ supposed, that the plan might have been laid down by Rallingson, but that want of means and zeal prevented its being carried out. I am the more inclined to this opinion, as in comparing the passage in the Latin edition with Gutch's Wood, where the nature of the works is described, I find that the Latin trans- lation varies from the English, and that, after the words, " from the North, &c." the Latin text is as folIoAvs : — " Ab aquiloue autem (ubi scilicet intumescit terra vcl stagnantia recipit flumina), propugnacula comparabant frequentia tanta in sui invicera defensi- onum arte constructa, ut validiora vix alibi in Anglia conipercris ; in quibus perinde ac interjecti muri Lorica secundum extrenios umnitionum iimites duplici vallo insultus hostiles arcebantur ; cxtremuni vero fossa labrum, prseterquam quod palis firmatum erat, invium rcddebatiir, acccdentibus porro qui sparsim efFodiebantur scrobiculis innumcris, adco ut vix singuli pedites, absque summo discrimine, ad vaUi margincm api)ropinquariint. Ut auteni ista melius intelligautur munimeutorum icuograpbiam appouendum duximus." The word valhm evidently here signifies a ditch or trench, because the foot soldiers are said not to be able to approach VOL. VIII. '^ ^