Page:Architectural Review and American Builders' Journal, Volume 1, 1869.djvu/129

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1868.] Length and Number to the Pound of Reading Nails. 101 LENGTH AND NUMBER TO THE POUND OF BEADING NAILS. The reader may rely upon the follow- ing very useful table, as an absolute authority. The modest note of our friends, Messrs. Field & Hardie, hard- ware merchants, of No. 633 Market street, omits one very important fact, namely: that the members of the firm, in every instance, made the count and measurement with their own hands. — Eds. Philadelphia, July 18, 1868. Samuel Sloan, Esq. : Dear Sir: Annexed please find a table showing the length of each size nail, brad, and spike; also the number to a pound. . Very respectfully, &c, FIELD & HARDIE. CUT NAILS. FINISHING NAILS. FLOOR BRADS. Size. Length. Inches. Number to the pound. Size. Length. Inches. Number to the pound. Size. Length, laches. Number to the pound. 2 d i 8 960 4 d 1* 386 6 d 2 144 3 d fine 1 725 5 d If 290 8 d H 106 3 d i.iV 405 6 d 2 220 10 d 2f 80 4 d n 260 8 d 2* 13? 12 d H 61 5* 6 d i* 188 138 10 d 3 88 CLINCH NAILS.* 2 12 d H 6T V 2 1 - J 2 3 H 130 Size. Length. Inches. Number to the pound. 8 d 10" 12* 93 69 51 SPIKES. 6 d 8 d 10 d 1 a- Size. Inches. Length. Inches. Number to the pound. 2 H 158 96 62 4 4 16 20 d H 38 4-i

  • 2

4 1

  • 2

12 12 d 3 41 30" 4 26 5 5 9 FE NCING NAILS. 40 d 50 d 60 d i 4i

  • 2

D 2 6 20 13 10 °2 6 °2 6 7 8 6 5 Size. Length. Inches. Number to the pound. 8 d OJL z 4 54 1 10 d 3 46

  • Often termed wrought nails.